Saturday, August 8, 2009

When does it all begin?

Monday, April 20, 2009

I really wrote this at work on Thurs. April 16, 2009, during nap time.

How do I start, how do I put all my thought onto paper. How do you blog when there is so much to write about and so many thoughts to share? Sometimes I think about young Mary when she had the baby Jesus and all the wonders that the shepherds shared with her and all the people.
"but Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:19
The Bible doesn't share with us what was in her heart or in her thoughts, but we could only imagine that all the goodness surrounding the birth of Christ, her child, was an overwhelming feeling of joy, love, unworthiness, praise, and thanksgiving... to much for her to even express in words.
Sometimes and especially of late I've had so many thing in my heart and so much filling up my mind that I cannot put it all down on paper or sort it out enough in my head to put it in a blog. God has brought so much my way that even I can't express the beauty of it all in words or thoughts.
So where do I begin? Well my friend the beginning was way back on a hill called Golgotha and on this hill there was a man on a cross who bore all the sins of the world, including yours and mine. who was more innocent then any human being before or after Him. He shed such beautiful, precious blood that could cover any imaginable sin that has ever been committed. His gruesome death brought life to all who desire a second chance, deliverance, peace, mercy, grace and love.
It all began there for you and I, but that is not the end! That is just the beginning for you and I!! Oh if we could just grasp the truth of God's love for the sinner, your heart would look beyond all and love them too. Is that why the Bible says love covers a multitude of sin?! YES! That is why love covers a multitude of sin, for it was His love for us that He bore our sins on the cross and the blood that was spilt that covered our ugliness, sin and self.
Oh how much I need and desire such love in my life... and it is there... for me... I didn't have far to look or even far to go, for just a tear drop brought me to a place of tremendous blessings! so much love and forgiveness, so much grace and mercy... I cannot express all that has transpired in my life... all that continues to lift all condemnation and shame and gives me
Beauty from the shame...
Peace from the pain;...
Love from the hate...
Joy from the sorrow...
Faith from the fear...
Victory from the failures
I cannot finish all that is in my heart and so here I sit pondering all that the good Lord has brought my way and to my families way... and I know that there is more, because there is so much more that I could do to make my life more for Him. New depths in God, full of the power of the Holy Ghost that just needs less of me and more of Christ for the demonstration of His mighty acts to be done.
Nap time is just not long enough to speak of my Wonderful Savior. The Greatest love in my life. YES, before my husband and my children He is my foremost number one love in my life. My true Savior and friend... He brings me joy and victory and sets my foot on a solid rock to stay. He sends forth His angles to watch over me and my family and moves the waters to better my walk with Him...
I love Him so much, what more can I say... well, I have lots and lots and more and more to say about Him and all His goodness... and I will share with all who wishes to hear...
I will love all no matter what... cause He died for me as much as He did for you... who am I to say I will love you but not you... I am a nobody who has become a somebody in God... and that is what matters in this life, the work in the building of His kingdom. Not my own ambitions, my own loves and wants, not my own sorrow and pain, or unforgiveness and hate. But the love of God that cleanses all who will believe and trust in Him to fulfill all in their lives.
I will be but a small part in the work of my Savior for He has done so much for me!!!
Please understand my words, I want to make Heaven my home and want to take as many as I can with me, I want to see my little family saved and my family in AZ saved. I want to share the wonderful love and goodness for any who wishes to give Jesus a chance.
I love you all and will try to put on paper or in a blog what is all that is in my heart or all that is going on...
With love from the Savior above;

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