Saturday, August 8, 2009

♪♫ JESUS loves me this I know ♫♪

Saturday, July 26, 2008
♪♫ Jesus Love ME this I know, for the Bible tells me so... ♫♪

We sing this song in Sunday School... Learn it at a very young age... Could almost ask anyone on the street and they would know this song... Well, there is so much TRUTH to this song it would/could bring any sinner to their knees. If you believe the Words of the Lord, how could you not believe the TRUTH of these words.The reason for this blog is I was reflecting on the wonderful love of God and how much He loves us/me. I could not go a day without His UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. I would die in my own sin, sorrow and loneliness without Him and His love.I've experienced tremendous love from my wonderful Savior, I cannot explain...
2007/2008 He has wrapped me in the tenderness of His love that it brought me to a place of deliverance. I almost lost all that was precious to me. If it was left up to people I would be lost and condemned to a life in Hell. Thank God for the love of my husband and people that BELIEVED in the truth of Gods word to lift me up out of my dispare. We in our humanity make many mistakes and bad choices, I found it doesn't matter who you are or how long you've lived for God... We are all human.

"Even the righteous fall when they are distracted and swayed by
'the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life"
(1 Jhn 2:16)

 I am not proud of my backslidden state and this is not what my blog is about.... but about the love of a Savior that does not...
 'despise a broken and a contrite heart' (Ps 51:17)

The Bible tells me that
 'Love covereth a multitude of sin' (I Pet 4:8)

Oh! how beautiful true love can be!!! Without it we would all be lost in our sins.

♥Christ bare all the sins of the world on the cross because of LOVE!
♥The Lord is able to wipe my tears away because of LOVE!
♥The Lord was able to cast all my sins into the depth of the sea of forgetfulness because of LOVE!
♥Christ was able to give me new life because of LOVE!
♥I am able to begin anew again because of LOVE!
♥I'm able to love others because of LOVE!
♥I'm able to lift my head as a new creature in Christ because of LOVE!
♥My life work in God is able to be fulfilled because of LOVE!
♥I'm able to love my husband because of LOVE!
♥I'm able to love my children because of LOVE!
♥I'm able to see beyond my faults and failures because of LOVE!
♥I'm able to see beyond the faults of others because of LOVE!
♥Christ is able to heal all my diseases because of LOVE!

How do I know that God loves me? Because the Bible tells me so.... He has covered my sin with His blood and will never bring it up to me again. Only the enemy will bring up your past sins and forever hold it above your head because the Bible says...
"he is the accuser of the brethren and his ways are to kill,
steal and to destroy."
Ps. 145:8
"The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.' ' He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities"
"He, being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity, and destroyed them not..." 
Ps. 78:38
'For the Lord is good and His mercy endureth forever'
Ps. 118:29
I have to say that I'm overwhelmed with the love and mercy God has bestowed on my life. There are no words to express my feelings and thoughts. A blog will not do justice to the Love of God that is there for us all.The greatest place to look, is the Bible to read, know, feel, experience, see the love of our wonderful Savior!
I hold true to the truth of His word and no one else's words matter to me. The Love that God has graciously given/shown me is more that any human capacity can give.It has been the greatest experience in my life...
 I thought after living for Him for over 25 years that I knew the love of God but I never even touched the true meaning of His love.... We are so undeserving and are but dust in the ground but He so loved the world... which includes you and me.I will not look back and will not bring my shortcomings, faults and past failures before Him any longer because when I do he tells me
'What sin?'
I love Him so much that He is all that matters to me... My family and my church are true believers in the Words of the Lord that they also tell me 'What sin?
'I will forever be in the love and mercies of God; that is why I sign off with *4Ever[N]HisMercy*
♫♪ Once I was lost but now I am found.... because 'Jesus loves me this I know... ♪♫


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