Sunday, August 29, 2010

New Sunday School Buss

Our NEW Sunday School BUSS

Our Pastor has such a PASSION for souls that He had been in prayer for quite some time about many issues.
He has a heart for children, always has, he's very much a family man... very into the make-up of the family and the strength of the family core unit.
Well unbeknown to the church the Lord had been dealing with him on getting a church van... well we don't have the biggest church around our area and we don't have the richest, lol. As a matter of fact our church is in a store front and we are trusting and believing in God that He will help us to grow and take us to a larger place and take us to greater heights in HIM!!

Pastor came before the congregation and told us we were getting a new SSBuss 'In Jesus name' because we were going to start picking up SS children... We were so excited and could feel our Pastors passion coming from the pulpit. The only question was, where were we going to get the money and where were we going to find the buss??
With our Pastor, there were NO questions, whatever the Lord said the Lord would provide.
AND provide HE did... their was a family in the church that was moved by God very strongly,  just that afternoon to give the church $3000.00 out of pocket. They had been blessed with a surplus of monies and felt to bless the church with whatever was needed... They had NO IDEA what the Pastor was dealing with the week before about buying a buss for our church....When they heard our Pastor announce this they both stared at each other because they had just spoke about this just before the service.
they couldn't get to the Pastor quick enough after the service to tell him what had transpired just that afternoon!! The Pastor and the couple were in awe once again of the power of God and what He was doing in the midst of our church.

When you move upon the Lords bidding. He will move upon His promise!!!
Trust and believe in the voice of the Lord... Be in the work of the Lord and do His will and He will provide for the church and bring in the harvest...
REVIVAL saints!! Is here!! Let's be in REVIVAL!! Do not lose hope but trust in the power of His might!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I read a status or quote from a very inspiring man of God, He said:
"Every believer should be filled with enthusiasm today!
Enthusiasm means you are 'Possessed by God'

Enthusiasm ORIGIN early 17th century (in sense 2) : from French enthusiasm, or via late Latin from Greek enthousiasmos, from enthous ‘possessed by a god, inspired’ (based on theos ‘god’).

This struck me as AMAZING!! I was so moved by these words that it made me reflect on my inner self... my enthusiasm, my conviction, my zeal...
"Do I have exhilaration emotion or fire in my bones or passion in my person????"

Those are all things that derive from God, that come from a spirit that is set in the Word and in prayer... Do I possess such qualities, such attributes,and characters of God or have I been too distracted by my own selfish desires of pride and hurts? 

When I first began this particular blog I was so full of passion for the things of God. We were reaching such amazing revival within my family and just overall fulfillment in Christ that I could feel the strength of an hundred soldiers behind me if not more... The power and anointing of God was AMAZING!! I was stepping out in areas I never had in my entire walk with God... reaching out to souls, proclaiming Christ, not being afraid to share the Gospel, praying for people, and professing a boldness I never had before. Then this year became the year of trials *WOWee* (Our Pastors famous words :)) and boy has it been a trying year with one distraction after another and at first I was staying pretty focused and determined to not let the enemy distract what God was doing in our lives and in our church... but as the year went on and as the trials kept coming *whew* what can I say... I began to spin out of control... I kept falling on my face before my wonderful loving Savior, but as time went on as summer drew near, things I had no control of became more dominant....

I don't think Iv lost my passion and I think I can find this enthusiasm... I think it was just lost somewhere in all the confusion, lol... and yes... I am so tired and weary and it's been stressful and at times I feel alone and that I'm not going to make it another day... but I'm not here to talk about that cause I know God in all His mercy can help ME find my place back where I need to be... I just need to find myself back on my face before His very presence and in the arms of Christ!!

"ENTHUSIASM!! AMAZING but true!! Something I long for down deep in the core of my soul!! For my desire was to do something GREAT in God's kingdom, to help a hurt and lost soul to Christ."


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Jesus Has Done Enough for Me

♪♫ If the Lord never does anything else for me He's done enough
He's blessed me once and he blessed me twice
The Lord keeps on blessing me everyday of my life!
Ohh the Lord has been good to me and the Lord has made so many ways for me
The Lord-- he's opened up so many doors oh-
Brand new mercies I see over and over and over again
the Lord keeps on blessing me everyday of my life
Ohhh if the Lord doesn't do anything else for me... He's done enough
He's done enough! He's done enough! He's done enough!
Thank Ya! Thank Ya! Thank Ya! Thank Ya! Thank Ya! Thank Ya! ♫♪

"I may be traveling one of the loneliest road, but Jesus and me is all that matters at this point... but God in my weakness, is made strong and in His strength I am refined as pure gold... in this time for a purpose, a purpose for His Glory... In Jesus Name... I am nothing within myself and I will not glory within myself for Christ is my God and in Him is ALL GLORY.
What I love about this song is that fact that I honestly feel what she is singing about. If He never does anything else for me... He's done 'ENOUGH'... I don't ask for a better day, I don't ask for a smother ride on this bumpy road called life, I don't ask for a brighter tomorrow... or even health in my body... Your thinking 'OMW!! your ABSOLUTELY NUTS! And maybe I am, but you would not fully understand my feelings until you have fully felt and understood the fullness of being in the mercy of Gods Grace [O woe is me saith the prophet]!!! Fully understanding the depth of His judgments.... and knowing where I was, where I was heading and where I am today!!
*Praise His Wonderful Name -- Jesus*
So yes! If God never, ever does anything else for me.... He's done enough! Saving me from the pit of sin, the pit of despair, the pit of insanity, the pit of destruction.... And from the pit of HELL!! What an AMAZING God I serve and continues to save me each and everyday... keeping me in the saving arms of Jesus! *HALLELUJAH*

Friday, July 16, 2010

'JESUS' I Need You Now!

♪♫♪ I need you NOW... your my best friend come rescue me, fear of doing things on my own... with you LORD I have VICTORY... I need you RIGHT NOW ♫♪♫ 'Smokie Norful - I Need You Now'
When situations come our way when we have hard decisions in our lives, to big for even us to make, Jesus will always be there... 'RIGHT NOW' when we need Him... He is right on time. I love Him so much I cannot live without His tenderness in my life... When I am overwhelmed He is there to comfort me... and to give me the strength that I need... Jesus my everything♥
"Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy. I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings. Selah." Psalm 61: 1-4

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

♥ A Daughter...

"A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future."
-- Author Unknown
My beautiful daughter, Cynthia and I had the most wonderful time in Fort Bragg, CA. We were able to spend some wonderful time creating memories for her 20th birthday (June 2010), we had a BLAST!! It was beautiful weather, good food, and great music... lol ;)
♥Cynthia! I love the time we had and the memories we made!♥

† A New Generation of Apostolics

I pray that this young couple that has found truth will not forget that there are little eyes now watching their every step. Danny and I are very thankful to God for what he is doing in the lives of these two people and there three young girls. This is Jasmine, their youngest, who is only two. They are just learning the things of God and what it is to pray and worship and sing in the house of God... What a wonderful way of life they are giving these little peeps just by choosing to start a new life of serving Christ... That is what Ashley told me... "Tia, I want to give my girls a chance at a good life, a life with Jesus."
Ashley, if your Nana could see you now and the choices you have made to follow after Christ, her heart would be so glad and full of peace. A new generations of Apostolics!!! Blessed Be the Name of the Lord!!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

As we had ONLY hoped!!!

In 1982, at the age of 15, I walked into a Pentecostal Church in Roseville, CA. Once I became saved, Baptized in the lovely name of Jesus Christ and being filled with His precious Holy Ghost... I knew it was the life for me. Not with out it's ups and downs, failures and disappointments, setbacks and discouragements... I never looked back. I began to pray for the salvation of my familia', because I knew it was the life we were all looking for that I had found!
Of course at that time Richard and Ashley were not born 'yet' and I was just a young girl on a road I had no idea that was set before me and how long It would be before I would see any result to the prayers of a young girl...

*Mary Camacho & Josie Flores*
My mother (on the right of the photo above) came to this lovely truth first. It was then I received my partner in crime to pray for my family in AZ ;) It was a blessed time! Of course we all know, in passed posts, that my mother has passed and is now with our wonderful Saviour. She was a BIG part in bringing the truth to her grand-daughter, Ashley and her little family.
These next few pictures are a beautiful testimony of a praying grandmother for her children. Mom I wish you were here to witness this beautiful event of two beautiful lives.

After their wonderful wedding on Friday night, the following Sunday these two precious young people were baptized in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ for the remission of all their sins!!
"Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.” Acts 2:38-39
Ashley was first... Its was so amazing to me to see one of my family worshiping in the Apostolic way... I honestly never thought this would ever happen in all my years... Lord, ME of little faith!! *THANK YOU JESUS*
Richard was after Ashley and He was deeply touched, as many of us were!!
What a new beginning to a new life!! This young couple has decided to follow Jesus and do the right thing, get married and raise their three little girls in the ways of the Lord the best that they can, bringing them to the house of God and teaching them about Jesus!!
*Bro Sies and Bro & Sis Wesson*
"And not only as we had hoped, but they first gave themselves to the Lord, and then to us by the will of God." 2 Corinthians 8:5
*Praise Be to God!! Our Precious Saviour!! Who Still Saves Souls TODAY!!!*

New Life brings REVIVAL♥

Because of New Life God had given these two lives, Richard and Ashley, they felt the urge to share what they had to their family and friends... so they asked the help of a couple in the church (Bro. & sis. Seise) to bring a Saturday service to their drive-way to reach those that would not come to the church. there were 14 in attendance the first service they had!!!
Praise God for two willing vessels to be used of God and to two new born babes to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to those around them...
Danny and I were very blessed to be in attendance on that very first service they had... they asked us to sing a special and we sang a couple songs in English and Spanish... We felt like Missionaries out in the field! It was so awesome!! We cried, prayed, preached, testified, sang, read the Word, and just rejoiced in Gods presence. It was the greatest day of our lives...
It was the beginning of a work started for Bro. and Sis Seise and the Church in Phoenix. We told them we would come and visit often and keep them in our prayers.
'God is SO good to those who are called according to His purpose'
*Blessed Be the Name of the Lord*

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

And the TRUTH shall make you free....

*Richard and Ashley Gonzales * March 5, 2010*
These two young people found truth in an Apostolic Church.
In their new walk with Christ they felt in their heart to begin this new life 'RIGHT', married and in the church, raising their three beautiful little girls...
*Jasmine, Amarri, & Audrey*
I'm thankful today for all that my wonderful Savior is doing for my familia'! It is an answered prayer of my beautiful mother, who passed from this life in 2008. Her inspiration lives in the lives of these two souls and I pray it burns bright for all the family to see and feel.
Danny and I had the honor of being at the wedding to witness this great day. We received a phone call and in a rush of emotion we were told of all that was happening in AZ... the Bible Studies, going to church, falling in love w/Jesus... and so forth.... WHAT???!!! What was going on?? Then "We're getting married!!" We were beside ourselves to say the least and the tears began to fall! Danny was determined to get us down to AZ to witness this miracle from God... these prayers of my wonderful mother, before she passed... I cried knowing she was not here to see this but also knowing these were her prayers being answered... *HALLELUJAH*
Ashley's father has not been a part of her life since she was a very little girl and my husband has been the only man in my families lives since we've been married. They look up to him as the man of the whole Flores family!! So He gladly took Ashley by the arm with tears in his eyes and brought her before Richard and our God to unite them as one.
I on the other hand was ask to sing and the song I chose was "Imagine Me Without You" by Jaci Velasquez. I felt this song spoke perfectly to these two young people and not only them but many were blessed by it:
♪♫ As long as stars shine down from heaven
and the rivers run into the sea
'Til the end of time, forever
you're the only love I need
In my live you're all that matters
In my eyes, the only truth I see
When my hopes and dreams have shattered
You're the One there for me... ♫♪
♫♪When I found You I was blessed
And I won't ever leave You, I need You
Imagine me without You
Id be lost and so confused
I wouldn't last a day
id be afraid
Without You there to see me through
Imagine me without You, Lord
You know it's just impossible
Because of You, it's all brand new
My life is now worthwhile
I can't imagine me without You♫♪
♪♫When You caught me I was falling
Your love lifted me back on my feet
It was like You heard me calling
And you rushed to set me free♪♫
♫♪I can't imagine me without You... OOhh♪♫
And Julian was ask to be in it as well. He was very proud =) lol

Bro and Sis Wesson are wonderful people of God and have taken these two under their wing. They helped them with this wedding and I'm so grateful for that and the church as well. What a great feeling to bring in new babies in the church and to be apart of leading them in the right direction... Bro and Sis Wesson are pushing to see my whole family saved and that is what my mothers prayers have been for many years... and mine as well, at least over 26years!!!
God is good all the time and His promises are never ending and He will always come thru no matter what... Even the men of old didn't see the promise but the promise did come. So let us not lose heart and continue to pray for our families and loved ones for God is a God of promise and answered prayers!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

It just starts with ONE...

28And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 KJV

Mothers Day 2008 My mother passed away from this life and entered into eternal life with her love and Savior.

It was very hard for all of us girls. Keeping vigil by her bedside for five days. We wept and wept knowing that Cancer was taking this precious person away from us. There was nothing we could do and that in itself was beyond our strength to accept. My sister Rose (the oldest) and I were the only ones who held on to the loving arms of Jesus, for we knew that He cared and that our mother would no longer be suffering in pain but resting in His wonderful, sweet arms soon. As for the others they hurt so deeply I didn't think they were going to survive the death of our mother.

We (Rose and my family) began to pray for our sisters and their salvation... we were just continuing what our mother did day and night for all of us... PRAY... We made it our greatest effort to bring these hurting souls to the foot of the Cross, knowing that all things work for the good. It wasn't easy, but we knew that our prayers weren't going unnoticed for God is a lover of souls full of love and compassion for the lost, dying and hurting soul.

August 2009 we had the opportunity to witness the greatest miracle in our sisters lives. Bro. Schroeder was on his way to AZ to preach for a family member, Bro. Wesson. Our sisters and their children fell in love with this bro during the time of my mothers last days. They heard he was coming to preach at a church that was near.

On their own they ALL decided to go to that Sunday service and hear this young man preach for Bro. Wesson.

We were excited beyond belief to hear that all our family down South were going to grace the doorsteps of an Apostolic, Pentecostal church!! We weren't or wouldn't dare miss this opportunity to miss the greatest event in our families lives. God was working in these hearts, a place that man cannot see or touch. God's loving mercy was tenderly touching the lives of these souls.

It was great revival to see the house of God full of the 'Flores' family. They didn't realize what they were stepping into... for we knew the powerful anointing of the Holy Ghost when you are in the presence of God! And did God move, touch, and heal hearts on this day. HALLELUJAH!!! We began to see the wonderful fulfilment of Gods Word work before our eyes...

The next day we left with heavy hearts, anxious about if they would ever find themselves back in the house of God, cause we knew that they were just going back to what was familiar to them, the lifestyle they've always led... But all the way home we cried and prayed to God to continue to work what had started in those services that wonderful Sunday. We know that our Bible tells us that His Word doesn't go out void... and It had placed itself deep in the hearts and souls of these people. We began to TRUST in Jesus.


Well, here we go again down South to witness another great event in the lives of two young people that have found the truth deep in their hearts... Richard and Ashley. They have been visiting Bro. Wesson's church and receiving Bible Studies in their home. They have opened up their home every other Sat. for Apostolic church services for those that can't make it all the way out to the church.

God has done a wondrous work and when God does it... He does it good and better than what we could ever imagine (I and my little family are proof of that)!!

March 5th (Fri night) at 6pm they are getting married and March 7th (Sunday) they are getting baptized in that wonderful name!!! The wonderful name of Jesus Christ!!!

As the tears fall from my eyes wishing my mother was alive today to see her grandchildren making steps toward her wonderful Savior, all because of her prayers, she would be so happy.

I'm overwhelmed to say the least and God is moving in lives beyond my belief... and when we find the right prospective in living for God He will not only bless you but those around you.

REVIVAL! its called revival and I'm sooo thankful to be a part of the commandment of Gods precious Word... to go into every part of the earth reaching the lost.

*Mommy... =') your prayers reached Heaven, thank you for your inspiration*

"Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you..."

Acts 2:38 (King James Version)
38Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Romans 6:3-5 (King James Version)
3Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?
4Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
5For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection:

Galatians 3:27 (King James Version)
27For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

1 Peter 3:21 (King James Version)
21The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:

2 Corinthians 5:17 (King James Version)
17Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

My heart is overwhelmed with the goodness of God. Our littlest person in our household decided to 'Get LINKED-UP with Jesus' as he puts it.

Our Pastor made sure to come by the house and share some scriptures with him to make sure Ju understood the significance of baptism. I was surprised at how Julian just eat it up and new this is what he really wanted to do.
What started this whole baptism idea was that our church has been experiencing such revival and spiritual freedom... that Julian would leave the church saying "Mom that was the best church Iv ever been in". Then we began to have baptisms and he wanted to be a part of all that was going on.
He began to pray more and worship during the service and seek God at the altar. We were touched to say the least. I was in tears all the time with such thanksgiving for what Jesus was doing to our little family.
I’m so thankful to God today for Julian’s decision to began a life with Christ. We will continue to teach and guide this little person in the things of God to the best of our abilities and God will make Ju to be who He would want him to be.
A mother’s heart is more than proud to say the least. I love you Ju!
*Jesus has become Our EVERTHING*

Thursday, January 21, 2010

'God is not interested in our comfort but in our development'

1Now the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying,
2Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me. 3But Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD, and went down to Joppa; and he found a ship going to Tarshish: so he paid the fare thereof, and went down into it, to go with them unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD. 4But the LORD sent out a great wind into the sea, and there was a mighty tempest in the sea, so that the ship was like to be broken.
Nineveh was a very sinful and wicked place. Other prophets had gone to Nineveh and died. Everyone and anyone feared this place because if anyone spoke wrong of it they were killed.

Jonah was no different.

He wanted to flee and get as far away as possible from this place. He was willing to pay a fare just to go to the opposite direction from where the Lord was calling him to go.
We function best under a lot of pressure… it will either bring out the best in us or the worst. If it’s your worst, the pressure will be more and greater to purge out what your worst may be. As with the storm or ’mighty tempest’ as the Bible tells us, that came against the ship Jonah was on;

10Then were the men exceedingly afraid, and said unto him. Why hast thou done this? For the men knew that he fled from the presence of the LORD, because he had told them. 11Then said they unto him, What shall we do unto thee, that the sea may be calm unto us? for the sea wrought, and was tempestuous. 12And he said unto them, Take me up, and cast me forth into the sea; so shall the sea be calm unto you: for I know that for my sake this great tempest is upon you. 13Nevertheless the men rowed hard to bring it to the land; but they could not: for the sea wrought, and was tempestuous against them. 14Wherefore they cried unto the LORD, and said, We beseech thee, O LORD, we beseech thee, let us not perish for this man's life, and lay not upon us innocent blood: for thou, O LORD, hast done as it pleased thee. 15So they took up Jonah, and cast him forth into the sea: and the sea ceased from her raging. 16Then the men feared the LORD exceedingly, and offered a sacrifice unto the LORD, and made vows. 17Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.
Jonah was then thrown into the raging sea and swallowed by a great fish… now could anything get any worse?? God was purging out the worse in Jonah so he could ‘develop’ Jonah into the man of God He needed him to be.
So when God speaks to you or sends you in a direction you’d rather not go… remember the story of Jonah and how God made him ’uncomfortable’ in order for him to be used, healed and delivered from himself or his worse.

'God is not interested in our comfort but in our development' Highland
I don’t know about you but Id rather have the pressures of life, circumstances, trials, tragities and the like to bring out the best in me than the worst. I'm not saying im perfect, but I want to praise Jesus thru my storm and worship the one who knows whats best for me... Why would I want to have things get worst when they are already not at their best??
I thank God for Bro. Highland and his insight on the story of Jonah… I have heard from the Lord.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ, That a man should have to seek Him first to find her.
When I say... 'I am a Christian'
I'm not shouting 'I'm clean living''
I'm whispering 'I was lost,
Now I'm found and forgiven.'
When I say... 'I am a Christian'
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
and need Christ to be my guide.
When I say... 'I am a Christian'
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and
need His strength to carry on.
When I say... 'I am a Christian'
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed and
need God to clean my mess.
When I say... 'I am a Christian'
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible but,
God believes I am worth it.
When I say... 'I am a Christian'
I still feel the sting of pain...
I have my share of heartaches,
so I call upon His name.
When I say... 'I am a Christian'
I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner
Who received God's good grace, somehow!

A friend sent this to me and I thought it was beautiful... had to post it so I wouldn't forget it....

"Come look at what God made just now, A rainbow!!"

I was getting off work and Cynthia and Sean came to pick-up Julian and me from school. When we came out there was a rainbow so bright from end to end. It sent Julian flying back toward his classroom where all his classmates, were still waiting to be pick up from school. Shouting "Mrs. Roberta! Mrs. Roberta! Come look at what God made just now, a rainbow! a rainbow!!"

Mrs. Roberta told me that it sent chills up her spine. She began to look around to see where the voice came from... lol...

I work and Julian goes to the same school. It is a private school, but not christian. As a matter of fact very worldly. Julian never hesitates to speak about God or tell his teachers or friends about how much he loves God. I'm so thankful for his precious little heart and the love that he has already developed for our wonderful Savior...

The teacher and all the children that were left came running out to see the rainbow that God made at that instant and everyone was amazed... honestly it was absolutely beautiful!!! I have an old digital so this pictures doesn't give it justice.

The staff is always making comments about me and my family... they see that there is a difference in our relationship as a family. They have been curious about things that are obvious, being an apostolic woman, and have asked, but I believe that God is my protector and that God is working on some of the staff that I have met with on off days...

I'm so thankful to God that we have the truth and we know the one true living God. I'm so thankful to God for the boldness and innocence of a child, who knows no risk and speaks what is on his heart.



Pastor Champlain had Bro. Highland from the Rock Church of Elk Grove come teach us the Spirit of Life classes for a few weeks. I don't know if it was just something that was deep within my brain of passed lessons learned but when he came to our church I felt like a new convert hungry for the Word of the Lord. I knew somewhere in my past I had learn what he was teaching us... but my spirit that had been wounded and dead for quite some time and now it was alive and well , living inside me with such passion for the things of God... I cannot explain but I sat at the edge of my seat waiting for every word that came out of Bro. Highland’s mouth... it was not only what he said but the scriptures he used came out at me in a living form. I felt them, I heard them, I smelled them, I tasted and I began to breath them.
The Words of the Lord are so amazingly beautiful and soothing to the healing soul. It can transpire, heal, deliver and so much more to a soul that has been rekindled... Passion..... Passion.... Passion...
Passion began taking a hold of my life... not for my own self or my own success but for the things of God. I couldn't get enough of what the Lord was giving me on a daily basis. I became PASSIONATE!

I woke up with His songs of worship and praise on my lips...
I went to work and they seen the love and passion illuminate from within
I came home to find myself in love with everything that I set my eyes upon
I loved loved and loved some more...
I was filled with compassion and forgiveness
I went to bed at night covered in the glow of His loving righteousness...
I became PASSIONATE...

Oh what a beautiful way to live! A life I had nearly forgotten had ever excised. I didn't realize I had become a servant to men... My love became duty and I feared man rather than my loving Savior. Where was my love or as most would say where did I lose my first love... I do not know where or how it left me... But I’m so sorry I had come so far from it, because of love becoming a duty I wandered on a road of destruction.
I’m thankful today for God's loving mercy!!! It has brought me and my family to where I am today....
A life FULL of Passion =)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The strength in the scriptures... God's Holy Word

♥♥ "And I have said, "My strength and my hope have perished from the Lord. Remembering my affliction and roaming, The wormwook and the gall. My soul still remembers and sinks within me. This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore I hope in Him!" Lam 3:18-24

"Whom have I in Heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my portion forever" Ps 73:25-26

"If you O Lord; kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? but with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared" Ps 130:3-4

"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell" Matt 10:28

"it is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man" Ps118:8 ♥♥