Saturday, August 8, 2009

='( My heart♥ is full of so many tears )'=

When I wrote this I was very depressed and despondent... God was working in my life with the love of my husband, He was bringing me back to myself...

Sunday, April 06, 2008
♥ When I awoke with feelings of distress so near, My heart was full of so many tears.
♥ Thinking about hearts that are full of hate, Of things that I have caused of late.
♥ I knew I did you wrong that day, when my heart was full of sin and play.
♥ I was a soul so far from God our Father, my soul drifted backward even farther.
♥ My mind was wrong my strength was weak, the enemy knew and my life he did seek.
♥ He brought me so low, Gods Word I wondered, to my soul he ravaged and plundered.
♥ He used my friends to bring me lower, I thought I would die my heart beat slower.
♥ And in my weakened, hasting heart, I did things that drew us apart.
♥ And now your hate has waken my heart, and with my tears I'm falling apart.
♥ To know that we could never be friends again, because my soul you have condemn.
♥ I said I was sorry, I asked for forgiveness, but you've hardened your heart and don't see my repentance.
♥ I wake up with feelings of distress so near, my heart is full of so many tears.


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