Tuesday, June 29, 2010

As we had ONLY hoped!!!

In 1982, at the age of 15, I walked into a Pentecostal Church in Roseville, CA. Once I became saved, Baptized in the lovely name of Jesus Christ and being filled with His precious Holy Ghost... I knew it was the life for me. Not with out it's ups and downs, failures and disappointments, setbacks and discouragements... I never looked back. I began to pray for the salvation of my familia', because I knew it was the life we were all looking for that I had found!
Of course at that time Richard and Ashley were not born 'yet' and I was just a young girl on a road I had no idea that was set before me and how long It would be before I would see any result to the prayers of a young girl...

*Mary Camacho & Josie Flores*
My mother (on the right of the photo above) came to this lovely truth first. It was then I received my partner in crime to pray for my family in AZ ;) It was a blessed time! Of course we all know, in passed posts, that my mother has passed and is now with our wonderful Saviour. She was a BIG part in bringing the truth to her grand-daughter, Ashley and her little family.
These next few pictures are a beautiful testimony of a praying grandmother for her children. Mom I wish you were here to witness this beautiful event of two beautiful lives.

After their wonderful wedding on Friday night, the following Sunday these two precious young people were baptized in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ for the remission of all their sins!!
"Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.” Acts 2:38-39
Ashley was first... Its was so amazing to me to see one of my family worshiping in the Apostolic way... I honestly never thought this would ever happen in all my years... Lord, ME of little faith!! *THANK YOU JESUS*
Richard was after Ashley and He was deeply touched, as many of us were!!
What a new beginning to a new life!! This young couple has decided to follow Jesus and do the right thing, get married and raise their three little girls in the ways of the Lord the best that they can, bringing them to the house of God and teaching them about Jesus!!
*Bro Sies and Bro & Sis Wesson*
"And not only as we had hoped, but they first gave themselves to the Lord, and then to us by the will of God." 2 Corinthians 8:5
*Praise Be to God!! Our Precious Saviour!! Who Still Saves Souls TODAY!!!*

New Life brings REVIVAL♥

Because of New Life God had given these two lives, Richard and Ashley, they felt the urge to share what they had to their family and friends... so they asked the help of a couple in the church (Bro. & sis. Seise) to bring a Saturday service to their drive-way to reach those that would not come to the church. there were 14 in attendance the first service they had!!!
Praise God for two willing vessels to be used of God and to two new born babes to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to those around them...
Danny and I were very blessed to be in attendance on that very first service they had... they asked us to sing a special and we sang a couple songs in English and Spanish... We felt like Missionaries out in the field! It was so awesome!! We cried, prayed, preached, testified, sang, read the Word, and just rejoiced in Gods presence. It was the greatest day of our lives...
It was the beginning of a work started for Bro. and Sis Seise and the Church in Phoenix. We told them we would come and visit often and keep them in our prayers.
'God is SO good to those who are called according to His purpose'
*Blessed Be the Name of the Lord*

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

And the TRUTH shall make you free....

*Richard and Ashley Gonzales * March 5, 2010*
These two young people found truth in an Apostolic Church.
In their new walk with Christ they felt in their heart to begin this new life 'RIGHT', married and in the church, raising their three beautiful little girls...
*Jasmine, Amarri, & Audrey*
I'm thankful today for all that my wonderful Savior is doing for my familia'! It is an answered prayer of my beautiful mother, who passed from this life in 2008. Her inspiration lives in the lives of these two souls and I pray it burns bright for all the family to see and feel.
Danny and I had the honor of being at the wedding to witness this great day. We received a phone call and in a rush of emotion we were told of all that was happening in AZ... the Bible Studies, going to church, falling in love w/Jesus... and so forth.... WHAT???!!! What was going on?? Then "We're getting married!!" We were beside ourselves to say the least and the tears began to fall! Danny was determined to get us down to AZ to witness this miracle from God... these prayers of my wonderful mother, before she passed... I cried knowing she was not here to see this but also knowing these were her prayers being answered... *HALLELUJAH*
Ashley's father has not been a part of her life since she was a very little girl and my husband has been the only man in my families lives since we've been married. They look up to him as the man of the whole Flores family!! So He gladly took Ashley by the arm with tears in his eyes and brought her before Richard and our God to unite them as one.
I on the other hand was ask to sing and the song I chose was "Imagine Me Without You" by Jaci Velasquez. I felt this song spoke perfectly to these two young people and not only them but many were blessed by it:
♪♫ As long as stars shine down from heaven
and the rivers run into the sea
'Til the end of time, forever
you're the only love I need
In my live you're all that matters
In my eyes, the only truth I see
When my hopes and dreams have shattered
You're the One there for me... ♫♪
♫♪When I found You I was blessed
And I won't ever leave You, I need You
Imagine me without You
Id be lost and so confused
I wouldn't last a day
id be afraid
Without You there to see me through
Imagine me without You, Lord
You know it's just impossible
Because of You, it's all brand new
My life is now worthwhile
I can't imagine me without You♫♪
♪♫When You caught me I was falling
Your love lifted me back on my feet
It was like You heard me calling
And you rushed to set me free♪♫
♫♪I can't imagine me without You... OOhh♪♫
And Julian was ask to be in it as well. He was very proud =) lol

Bro and Sis Wesson are wonderful people of God and have taken these two under their wing. They helped them with this wedding and I'm so grateful for that and the church as well. What a great feeling to bring in new babies in the church and to be apart of leading them in the right direction... Bro and Sis Wesson are pushing to see my whole family saved and that is what my mothers prayers have been for many years... and mine as well, at least over 26years!!!
God is good all the time and His promises are never ending and He will always come thru no matter what... Even the men of old didn't see the promise but the promise did come. So let us not lose heart and continue to pray for our families and loved ones for God is a God of promise and answered prayers!!