I have so much to blog about... it will be soon
I have so many sermons to share... it will be soon
I have some inspirational thoughts... it will be soon
I cannot wait to share with you... it will be soon
Its late in the night for me to blog in my right mind at this time... it will be soon
but I promise... I have so much! It will take me a day to write all that needs to be shared or said... but it will be soon
I love you Lord and I know you will always watch over me... please help me to be strong and to overcome my weakness and this flesh of mine... =0( *sigh*
I'll be back soon..... very soon
Monday, August 17, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
My troubling soul...
Today has been an amazing day for me. Again Mrs. Barbara and I combined classes... *sigh*
I went shopping after my appointment with Sean's teacher and bought some ingredients for my class cooking project. i was so excited and proud of myself to say the least for being prepared, even though it was last minute. Then I went to work to find out, from Mrs. Barbara, that we would be combining classes *sigh* so much for our cooking project!
Miss. Theresa's class was unavailable for use and so she and her Honey Bears used the Ducky room. I completely understood... Couldn't be helped... I'm just wondering when things will be back normal.
Will I get some more new duckies? Will Alesandra be able to be in my class w/out the interference of her grandmother, Mrs. Barbara? Will I be able to really focus on my class once again? Will they keep me as the Ducky teacher if I continue to not have any new students? These are nagging questions to me that don't really need an answer for I know that all things will turn out to the best of my interest. It always does. Life has a way of doing that, making you question all that is out of control or not exactly going your way. I'm thankful today that I have learned in all my trials that God is the one who controls all things spiritual or in the natural... i will leave it all in the masters hands. I will not worry about the small things that will and can change within the next hour... I love Him today more then I did yesterday! I cannot live a day without Him. Ive tried and failed! Horribly failed! So we will see my friend, my soul who troubleth over the simple things in life...
I went shopping after my appointment with Sean's teacher and bought some ingredients for my class cooking project. i was so excited and proud of myself to say the least for being prepared, even though it was last minute. Then I went to work to find out, from Mrs. Barbara, that we would be combining classes *sigh* so much for our cooking project!
Miss. Theresa's class was unavailable for use and so she and her Honey Bears used the Ducky room. I completely understood... Couldn't be helped... I'm just wondering when things will be back normal.
Will I get some more new duckies? Will Alesandra be able to be in my class w/out the interference of her grandmother, Mrs. Barbara? Will I be able to really focus on my class once again? Will they keep me as the Ducky teacher if I continue to not have any new students? These are nagging questions to me that don't really need an answer for I know that all things will turn out to the best of my interest. It always does. Life has a way of doing that, making you question all that is out of control or not exactly going your way. I'm thankful today that I have learned in all my trials that God is the one who controls all things spiritual or in the natural... i will leave it all in the masters hands. I will not worry about the small things that will and can change within the next hour... I love Him today more then I did yesterday! I cannot live a day without Him. Ive tried and failed! Horribly failed! So we will see my friend, my soul who troubleth over the simple things in life...
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Touching Jesus is all that really matters...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009 at 12:16am
Praise the Lord my dear friends;I emplor you today to touch Jesus, cause He is all that really matters... just as the song says. I have touched God more these last two years than I have in my many years living for God. And I have come to realize that I have only touched the hem of His garment......It has been a time of refreshing and glorious triumphant in the Bisiar household... God has done tremendous things and has moved us to make life changing decisions, that only our God can do... He has shown us such great mercy and tender love beyond our imaginations, remember in our humanity we limit what our God can do, that I have stopped questioning what God is doing. There has been such a revival in our little church you cannot deny the Power of God when you walk into the church. It is so amazing that it can be felt outside of the wall of this building. There has been such healing and deliverance to everyone present with a WILLING heart. and I'm not just saying that because it is our church...I believe God is moving us in a forward motion and I'm not willing to stop... so He has continued to move beyond my expectations. NO we are not all goody-goody and we have not attained it all, there is still much molding and changing that needs to be done and I believe it is happening. I have learned that I DON'T have to SEE anything to believe that my God is moving in the lives of individuals. As a matter of Fact by the Power of His Word I KNOW HE IS MOVING in each and every life!! I am at the point that TOUCHING JESUS is all that really matters because my life has never been the same!!! I have more to say so just hang in there... lol We have experienced some financial struggles: my husband was cut $200 to $300 dollars a month because of the crisis of our worlds economy, he's also had to give up some hours and lose some benefits. I'm Praising Jesus STILL because he still has a job♥ we have suffered sickness, like never before in our lifetime: My husband under Dr orders was on sick leave for two weeks because he developed iritis (the number one cause of blindness) until they could figure out where it was stemming from, they never really did so excused it as part of his Diabetes. I developed Bronchitis that kept me from work one whole week and had somewhat of a relapse to the point that they tested me for Swine Flu (BTW it came back negative-HALLELUJAH!). They have me on steroids because my lungs are inflamed not allowing the congestion to leave my chest which could develop into pneumonia. Julian caught a horrible flu virus causing him 103.5 fevers and vomiting and never really recovered from it, as of yet, that when we took him to the Dr a second time they tested him for vasculitis (a inflammation of a blood or lymph vessel, which can be very serious because it has to do with the blood). Sean also caught the bug w/fevers and massive head/cold... no vomiting, THANK GOD!!! He would of made an awful mess, he's very dramatic. Going to the Dr has cost us a pretty penny and all the meds (that don't seem to be working) has cost a nice fee also... and I would do it all again just to find the answers to a problem. Julian does not seem to be getting better and it has me and his father very concerned. I am saying all this... to say that touching JESUS is all that really matters... I continue to PRAISE my WONDERFUL Savior and none of this will distract me from what God has done and is continuing to do. As I have stated in the beginning of this note that God has done wonderful things in my heart, soul, and mind and in my family! How can I allow all this that has come our way to make me stop... make me look around and wonder or start questioning all that God is doing?! I refuse!I know that we are in His best interest. I know that He cares and He KNOWS exactly where we are. I know that He has not forgotten us. and I know that His Word is TRUE! I know that there is POWER in prayer and I know that God in all His Glory will do what needs to be done! He has my undivided attention and I will not lose faith or waiver my walk toward Him. I will not run to my friend with worried tears and a faintless heart (all though I have shed tears to my Savior and Him alone). I will not question why is this happening to me/us, when I know God has got it all under control! I will not wonder where our lose of money is going to come from for all those bills (we decided to give to ourselves BTW) we have to pay! God will make a way where there seemeth no way.. I/we have come so FAR I cannot and will not stop now because 'crisis' has fallen on this family. Is it calamities or is it just another beautiful way to see the glorious move of God or just another step forward to what really is going to happen to full fill the will of Christ in our lives... a new debt and new walk a new perspective?! A new level of worship (which I could never get enough of)? Touching Jesus is all that really matters... Just believe when you call on His name!I ask you to pray for our youngest, Julian... he is still not out of the woods as of today (his 8th day), he has no energy feeling to tired to do anything and will just stop and sleep wherever he is at (believe me... that is NOT Julian, lol). I only wrote this to set my mind straight and log what my God is doing... I know he will come thru, He always has and He always will... I trust Him with my life! God is doing something GREAT and I'm anxiously waiting to see what it is.....
Praise the Lord my dear friends;I emplor you today to touch Jesus, cause He is all that really matters... just as the song says. I have touched God more these last two years than I have in my many years living for God. And I have come to realize that I have only touched the hem of His garment......It has been a time of refreshing and glorious triumphant in the Bisiar household... God has done tremendous things and has moved us to make life changing decisions, that only our God can do... He has shown us such great mercy and tender love beyond our imaginations, remember in our humanity we limit what our God can do, that I have stopped questioning what God is doing. There has been such a revival in our little church you cannot deny the Power of God when you walk into the church. It is so amazing that it can be felt outside of the wall of this building. There has been such healing and deliverance to everyone present with a WILLING heart. and I'm not just saying that because it is our church...I believe God is moving us in a forward motion and I'm not willing to stop... so He has continued to move beyond my expectations. NO we are not all goody-goody and we have not attained it all, there is still much molding and changing that needs to be done and I believe it is happening. I have learned that I DON'T have to SEE anything to believe that my God is moving in the lives of individuals. As a matter of Fact by the Power of His Word I KNOW HE IS MOVING in each and every life!! I am at the point that TOUCHING JESUS is all that really matters because my life has never been the same!!! I have more to say so just hang in there... lol We have experienced some financial struggles: my husband was cut $200 to $300 dollars a month because of the crisis of our worlds economy, he's also had to give up some hours and lose some benefits. I'm Praising Jesus STILL because he still has a job♥ we have suffered sickness, like never before in our lifetime: My husband under Dr orders was on sick leave for two weeks because he developed iritis (the number one cause of blindness) until they could figure out where it was stemming from, they never really did so excused it as part of his Diabetes. I developed Bronchitis that kept me from work one whole week and had somewhat of a relapse to the point that they tested me for Swine Flu (BTW it came back negative-HALLELUJAH!). They have me on steroids because my lungs are inflamed not allowing the congestion to leave my chest which could develop into pneumonia. Julian caught a horrible flu virus causing him 103.5 fevers and vomiting and never really recovered from it, as of yet, that when we took him to the Dr a second time they tested him for vasculitis (a inflammation of a blood or lymph vessel, which can be very serious because it has to do with the blood). Sean also caught the bug w/fevers and massive head/cold... no vomiting, THANK GOD!!! He would of made an awful mess, he's very dramatic. Going to the Dr has cost us a pretty penny and all the meds (that don't seem to be working) has cost a nice fee also... and I would do it all again just to find the answers to a problem. Julian does not seem to be getting better and it has me and his father very concerned. I am saying all this... to say that touching JESUS is all that really matters... I continue to PRAISE my WONDERFUL Savior and none of this will distract me from what God has done and is continuing to do. As I have stated in the beginning of this note that God has done wonderful things in my heart, soul, and mind and in my family! How can I allow all this that has come our way to make me stop... make me look around and wonder or start questioning all that God is doing?! I refuse!I know that we are in His best interest. I know that He cares and He KNOWS exactly where we are. I know that He has not forgotten us. and I know that His Word is TRUE! I know that there is POWER in prayer and I know that God in all His Glory will do what needs to be done! He has my undivided attention and I will not lose faith or waiver my walk toward Him. I will not run to my friend with worried tears and a faintless heart (all though I have shed tears to my Savior and Him alone). I will not question why is this happening to me/us, when I know God has got it all under control! I will not wonder where our lose of money is going to come from for all those bills (we decided to give to ourselves BTW) we have to pay! God will make a way where there seemeth no way.. I/we have come so FAR I cannot and will not stop now because 'crisis' has fallen on this family. Is it calamities or is it just another beautiful way to see the glorious move of God or just another step forward to what really is going to happen to full fill the will of Christ in our lives... a new debt and new walk a new perspective?! A new level of worship (which I could never get enough of)? Touching Jesus is all that really matters... Just believe when you call on His name!I ask you to pray for our youngest, Julian... he is still not out of the woods as of today (his 8th day), he has no energy feeling to tired to do anything and will just stop and sleep wherever he is at (believe me... that is NOT Julian, lol). I only wrote this to set my mind straight and log what my God is doing... I know he will come thru, He always has and He always will... I trust Him with my life! God is doing something GREAT and I'm anxiously waiting to see what it is.....
What a Loser
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I looked up the word 'Lose' and it's meaning is to fail, to be reduced, to surrender, to relinquish. I got to thinking about what it meant to be a loser... Over the years I have surrendered, I have been reduced, I have failed so I guess I was a loser... lol. What a life to lead and serving God in the process and do what I thought was best. Losing site of what God had en-tended for me... hum... What a loser.
Yes, I was a loser weren't we all? Didn't we all fail and become reduced to nothing and surrender to the thing that hurts us the most... our flesh? But I have to say that God has become my Redeemer and my salvation. He has been faithful and true!! BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD!! When the enemy tells me that my past makes me incapable, unworthy or undeserving I will remind him of God's forgiveness... I know that it is under the blood and God has forgiven me. My Savior has put it under His precious blood and there is no other that can remove it from that place of deliverance, not even Satan himself!!
I have accepted my past, my sin, my hurts, my failures, my imperfections.. God has done wondrous works in my life and I am no longer ashamed of my past. I know God has forgiven me. Simple as that. I know it was wrong but I also know that God has taken my bad past and will use it to His Glory. He has already prove that over and over again, He has done more than I thought ever possible!! I never thought I would be were I am today... I am giving all Glory and Praise to my wonderful Savior!!
I seen this in an other blog and When Brother Highland was speaking at our church he brought up these same things:
How to shut the devil's mouth---Tell him: All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. It is under the blood and I am forgiven. Jesus died for my sins...they are washed away from me as far as the East is from the West.
My ultimate favorite it when Bro. Highland pointed out to me that the enemy is such a LOSER that he couldn't even live for God IN HEAVEN!! He fell when there was no evil to fall to!!!
There is such fire within my soul I cannot discount all that God has done for me... if I do or turn my head to the miracles in my life than I'll just become that loser once again... No Thank You!! I'm loving my precious Savior and He is all I need. I just cannot get enough of His Word. There is such truth in the voice of God and His voice is the voice that I have tuned into...
We are all winners in Christ Jesus and He has giving us the victory!! At the Cross where Christ took on all the sins of the world and took the sing of death... we are victorious!! HALLELUJAH!!! I'm thankful for Him today... Just believe in your savior and what He has done for you and you will be feeling the wonderful power of healing today!! God is good all the time... and what a shame that I didn't realize all power that was in my world threw the power of the Holy Ghost!! I encourage you my bros and sis to reach out to the one who really cares for you... Jesus Christ!!
I looked up the word 'Lose' and it's meaning is to fail, to be reduced, to surrender, to relinquish. I got to thinking about what it meant to be a loser... Over the years I have surrendered, I have been reduced, I have failed so I guess I was a loser... lol. What a life to lead and serving God in the process and do what I thought was best. Losing site of what God had en-tended for me... hum... What a loser.
Yes, I was a loser weren't we all? Didn't we all fail and become reduced to nothing and surrender to the thing that hurts us the most... our flesh? But I have to say that God has become my Redeemer and my salvation. He has been faithful and true!! BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD!! When the enemy tells me that my past makes me incapable, unworthy or undeserving I will remind him of God's forgiveness... I know that it is under the blood and God has forgiven me. My Savior has put it under His precious blood and there is no other that can remove it from that place of deliverance, not even Satan himself!!
I have accepted my past, my sin, my hurts, my failures, my imperfections.. God has done wondrous works in my life and I am no longer ashamed of my past. I know God has forgiven me. Simple as that. I know it was wrong but I also know that God has taken my bad past and will use it to His Glory. He has already prove that over and over again, He has done more than I thought ever possible!! I never thought I would be were I am today... I am giving all Glory and Praise to my wonderful Savior!!
I seen this in an other blog and When Brother Highland was speaking at our church he brought up these same things:
How to shut the devil's mouth---Tell him: All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. It is under the blood and I am forgiven. Jesus died for my sins...they are washed away from me as far as the East is from the West.
My ultimate favorite it when Bro. Highland pointed out to me that the enemy is such a LOSER that he couldn't even live for God IN HEAVEN!! He fell when there was no evil to fall to!!!
There is such fire within my soul I cannot discount all that God has done for me... if I do or turn my head to the miracles in my life than I'll just become that loser once again... No Thank You!! I'm loving my precious Savior and He is all I need. I just cannot get enough of His Word. There is such truth in the voice of God and His voice is the voice that I have tuned into...
We are all winners in Christ Jesus and He has giving us the victory!! At the Cross where Christ took on all the sins of the world and took the sing of death... we are victorious!! HALLELUJAH!!! I'm thankful for Him today... Just believe in your savior and what He has done for you and you will be feeling the wonderful power of healing today!! God is good all the time... and what a shame that I didn't realize all power that was in my world threw the power of the Holy Ghost!! I encourage you my bros and sis to reach out to the one who really cares for you... Jesus Christ!!
You are my ♥love♥
Sunday, June 14, 2009
This is a song we sing in our church and it is my heart song. And it just takes me to a place of such wonderful worship. He has become the love of my life, He has become my very best friend, when there was no one else He was there for me. When I was broken and undone He lifted me out of my dispare. When I thought I lost all my dreams and hopes He was there to restore my soul from my troubled self. I love Him so much! He has become my life that I need no other life. This worlds riches, silver, gold, entertainment, problems and its constant drama is not something I'm needing in such a hurry ;0)He has become my everything! Who else would love such a person as myself, who else could take care of me like He can, who else can display such awesome love to an individual? Only God can... I am indebted to him forever and my heart is full of compassion for the souls that he has brought my way... Thank you Jesus for such an opportunity to share the wonderful love you have for them... Who am I but just a vessel for you to work in your kingdom.What did I think? All these years I kept it all to myself, all these years I wanted for myself, I sought after you only in my time of need. What was I thinking? Such awesome power and deliverance you have for all who just ask, for your forgiveness and grace.I'm am just in AWE of all that you are doing in my life. I cannot thank you enough!! I'm just waiting to see what else lies around the corner, but Lord I feel that I have to keep making steps forward and not look back... I will do just that! I will continue to embrace your POWERFUL WORD unto my bosom... I'm so broken before you and I will serve no other but you. You have become my SALVATION and all I can do is be a willing vessel for you.My heart♥ today
♪♫ ~ You are the love of my life ~
~ You are the hope that I cling too ~
~ You mean more than this world to me ~
~ I wouldn't trade you for silver or gold ~
~ I wouldn't trade you for richest untold ~
~ You mean more than this world to me ~ ♫♪
This is a song we sing in our church and it is my heart song. And it just takes me to a place of such wonderful worship. He has become the love of my life, He has become my very best friend, when there was no one else He was there for me. When I was broken and undone He lifted me out of my dispare. When I thought I lost all my dreams and hopes He was there to restore my soul from my troubled self. I love Him so much! He has become my life that I need no other life. This worlds riches, silver, gold, entertainment, problems and its constant drama is not something I'm needing in such a hurry ;0)He has become my everything! Who else would love such a person as myself, who else could take care of me like He can, who else can display such awesome love to an individual? Only God can... I am indebted to him forever and my heart is full of compassion for the souls that he has brought my way... Thank you Jesus for such an opportunity to share the wonderful love you have for them... Who am I but just a vessel for you to work in your kingdom.What did I think? All these years I kept it all to myself, all these years I wanted for myself, I sought after you only in my time of need. What was I thinking? Such awesome power and deliverance you have for all who just ask, for your forgiveness and grace.I'm am just in AWE of all that you are doing in my life. I cannot thank you enough!! I'm just waiting to see what else lies around the corner, but Lord I feel that I have to keep making steps forward and not look back... I will do just that! I will continue to embrace your POWERFUL WORD unto my bosom... I'm so broken before you and I will serve no other but you. You have become my SALVATION and all I can do is be a willing vessel for you.My heart♥ today
When does it all begin?
Monday, April 20, 2009
I really wrote this at work on Thurs. April 16, 2009, during nap time.
I really wrote this at work on Thurs. April 16, 2009, during nap time.
How do I start, how do I put all my thought onto paper. How do you blog when there is so much to write about and so many thoughts to share? Sometimes I think about young Mary when she had the baby Jesus and all the wonders that the shepherds shared with her and all the people.
"but Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:19
The Bible doesn't share with us what was in her heart or in her thoughts, but we could only imagine that all the goodness surrounding the birth of Christ, her child, was an overwhelming feeling of joy, love, unworthiness, praise, and thanksgiving... to much for her to even express in words.
Sometimes and especially of late I've had so many thing in my heart and so much filling up my mind that I cannot put it all down on paper or sort it out enough in my head to put it in a blog. God has brought so much my way that even I can't express the beauty of it all in words or thoughts.
So where do I begin? Well my friend the beginning was way back on a hill called Golgotha and on this hill there was a man on a cross who bore all the sins of the world, including yours and mine. who was more innocent then any human being before or after Him. He shed such beautiful, precious blood that could cover any imaginable sin that has ever been committed. His gruesome death brought life to all who desire a second chance, deliverance, peace, mercy, grace and love.
It all began there for you and I, but that is not the end! That is just the beginning for you and I!! Oh if we could just grasp the truth of God's love for the sinner, your heart would look beyond all and love them too. Is that why the Bible says love covers a multitude of sin?! YES! That is why love covers a multitude of sin, for it was His love for us that He bore our sins on the cross and the blood that was spilt that covered our ugliness, sin and self.
Oh how much I need and desire such love in my life... and it is there... for me... I didn't have far to look or even far to go, for just a tear drop brought me to a place of tremendous blessings! so much love and forgiveness, so much grace and mercy... I cannot express all that has transpired in my life... all that continues to lift all condemnation and shame and gives me
Beauty from the shame...
Peace from the pain;...
Love from the hate...
Joy from the sorrow...
Faith from the fear...
Victory from the failures
I cannot finish all that is in my heart and so here I sit pondering all that the good Lord has brought my way and to my families way... and I know that there is more, because there is so much more that I could do to make my life more for Him. New depths in God, full of the power of the Holy Ghost that just needs less of me and more of Christ for the demonstration of His mighty acts to be done.
Nap time is just not long enough to speak of my Wonderful Savior. The Greatest love in my life. YES, before my husband and my children He is my foremost number one love in my life. My true Savior and friend... He brings me joy and victory and sets my foot on a solid rock to stay. He sends forth His angles to watch over me and my family and moves the waters to better my walk with Him...
I love Him so much, what more can I say... well, I have lots and lots and more and more to say about Him and all His goodness... and I will share with all who wishes to hear...
I will love all no matter what... cause He died for me as much as He did for you... who am I to say I will love you but not you... I am a nobody who has become a somebody in God... and that is what matters in this life, the work in the building of His kingdom. Not my own ambitions, my own loves and wants, not my own sorrow and pain, or unforgiveness and hate. But the love of God that cleanses all who will believe and trust in Him to fulfill all in their lives.
I will be but a small part in the work of my Savior for He has done so much for me!!!
Please understand my words, I want to make Heaven my home and want to take as many as I can with me, I want to see my little family saved and my family in AZ saved. I want to share the wonderful love and goodness for any who wishes to give Jesus a chance.
I love you all and will try to put on paper or in a blog what is all that is in my heart or all that is going on...
With love from the Savior above;
~God is Able~
Friday, September 05, 2008
I'm in love with what God has done in my life this last year, it brought me much pain and sorrow, but God has seen me thru. I had been falling away and dying for quite a few years, before I finally broke and fell beyond repair.
The sad thing is when people see your weakness and take advantage of it for their own weaknesses. But I realize my mistakes and bad choices were of my own accord. I was so weak and backslidden from who I truly was in Christ that I didn't have the strength to fight against what was wrong. I fell hard and it hurt... It not only hurt me but others that I loved so very much, including my family.
It has been a hard year for me but God in His loving mercy has restored my soul and my family. I cannot express the joy I feel in my soul! I would love to share what I did, but I don't believe that is the will of God... I will not glorify how the enemy ravaged my soul to the point of unrecognition. I just want to Glorify my God for
~He is Able~
to bring peace and hope to anyone that is wanting to be free from sin.
The burden of sin can be so heavy and hard to bare. It will make you someone you thought you'd never become. It will change your perspective about the things of God and His Word. It will make you believe you are justified in the things you are doing, at first it may be small and no big deal but eventually it will bring you all the way to an ugly sinful place. You'll not believe what is happening and how you got there. Then your hate and bitterness will help you to blame others, circumstances or hurt for the place of sin or fallen state that you are in, but God who knows and sees all things waits patiently for us to call Him by His wonderful name of deliverance. It will also make you turn against the people you love the most.
I cannot express the mercies of God... there are no words to explain to you my love for the one who has saved my life from a burning hell...
"This I recall to my mind, Therefore have I hope. It is of the Lords mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassion's fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness''
Lam 3:21-23
The fire in my soul is genuine and full of the grace of God! He's doing things to me that I thought I would never feel again and more! I believe in miracles because I and my family are one! I will be 4Ever[N]HisMercy because He will never fail me... He was willing to sacrifice His life for me.... He brought love back into my life... He touched deep where no mortal soul could reach... He sent me on a new path, and continues to speak to me and convicts my soul to reach a new level in this wonderful walk of life.
I want to continue, but what more can I say... I'm just so thankful and full of joy...
YES, I have rough days, I get mad, I'm moody at times, I have to deal with very worldly peeps at work, my children don't always do what I want, things don't always go right, I look in the mirror and regret things I've done, we get financially burdened, I get tired and weary, I get lonely for my mother who passed this last spring on mothers day, I bite my nails, my hair doesn't always turn out right, I can't always buy new clothes, I make mistakes, I get frustrated.... need I go on.... I think I'm human, but God loves humanity, that is why He died for us... So I will no longer complain, I will not forget and I will not go back... I will forever worship and praise His wonderful name! For He is my redeemer and help in the time of trouble... none of this humanity will bring me low because I now know where I am going!!! Hallelujah!!! Praise His wonderful Name!!!
I love, I love, I love, I love, I love......
Woman of Strength
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape...
but a woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape.
A strong woman isn't afraid of anything...
but a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.
A strong woman won't let anyone get the best of her...
but a woman of strength gives the best of her to everyone.
A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future...
but a woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be God's blessing and capitalizes on them.
A strong woman walks sure footed-ly...
but a woman of strength knows God will catch her when she falls.
A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face...
but a woman of strength wears grace.
A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey...
but a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.
♥LOVE♥ is more powerful than HATE
Jesus Name Lighthouse was rocking on Sunday night, July 27th. I have to say that Gods anointing was in that place? Pastor James Champlain had a word from the Lord that was given in his best story-telling that only he can do.
I've heard (as we all have) the wonderful story of Joseph and his brothers… The whole time line, from when his brothers threw him into the pit to being pharaohs' right hand man. Pastor Champlain used a famous quote to open his message:
"Work like you don't need the money,
Dance like no one is watching, and
Love like you've never been hurt"
Joseph was offended and treated wrongly in every imaginable way because of hate and jealousy, but he purposed in his heart to love like he never been hurt… his brothers, pharaohs' wife, even the chief butler forgot him. Sure you knew he suffered inwardly by the names he chose for his children but he never let hurt destroy him or change the way that he loved.
Love is more powerful than hate
God was with Joseph and blessed him and picked him up from the terrible situation he was in… because he loved like he never been hurt. In two years time he went from the prison house to being second in command to pharaohs' kingdom. Higher than he was ever before in his entire life.
Now when the famine came Joseph had every opportunity to destroy his brothers when they came looking for food. As a matter of fact I'm sure many emotions ran through him when he seen them afar off. He didn't even let them know who he was at first. But there was so much love in the heart of Joseph that he wept before them and showed great mercy. They, remembering all and never forgetting their sins against him were very afraid, because they knew they were in the presence of a mighty man of power. But Joseph displayed a love like he never been hurt. He showed them great mercy and was able to say "you meant this for evil but God meant it for good".
Love is more powerful than hate
I know I cannot do justice to what we heard on Sunday night, you would all have to get the CD, but this message was so powerful to me…. For someone to love like they've never been hurt is so unimaginable! Could I do that, could we all do that? Could we all forgive and display love like Joseph did?
I've wrote this before but God in all His mercy showed me such love, when I least deserve it, it was there for me. The love of God is what brought me to my senses and set me free…. I cannot even in simple words tell you the wonderful powerful love of God.
Love is more powerful than hate
I thank God today for all he has done for me… I cannot tell, say, or shout it out enough… I'm still feasting on what I heard and felt on Sunday night! Praise God for His mercy and grace!!! HALLELUJAH!!!
‼Jesus help me to love like I've never been hurt
Because love is more powerful then hate‼
I want to be like Joseph and totally put my trust in God in any situation or trial I may be in… I want to purpose in my heart to not let situations and circumstances change how I love people. God will raise us up if we just love like we've never been hurt and continue to serve our Heavenly Father with all our hearts. What a great example and testimony to me…
I've heard (as we all have) the wonderful story of Joseph and his brothers… The whole time line, from when his brothers threw him into the pit to being pharaohs' right hand man. Pastor Champlain used a famous quote to open his message:
"Work like you don't need the money,
Dance like no one is watching, and
Love like you've never been hurt"
Joseph was offended and treated wrongly in every imaginable way because of hate and jealousy, but he purposed in his heart to love like he never been hurt… his brothers, pharaohs' wife, even the chief butler forgot him. Sure you knew he suffered inwardly by the names he chose for his children but he never let hurt destroy him or change the way that he loved.
Love is more powerful than hate
God was with Joseph and blessed him and picked him up from the terrible situation he was in… because he loved like he never been hurt. In two years time he went from the prison house to being second in command to pharaohs' kingdom. Higher than he was ever before in his entire life.
Now when the famine came Joseph had every opportunity to destroy his brothers when they came looking for food. As a matter of fact I'm sure many emotions ran through him when he seen them afar off. He didn't even let them know who he was at first. But there was so much love in the heart of Joseph that he wept before them and showed great mercy. They, remembering all and never forgetting their sins against him were very afraid, because they knew they were in the presence of a mighty man of power. But Joseph displayed a love like he never been hurt. He showed them great mercy and was able to say "you meant this for evil but God meant it for good".
Love is more powerful than hate
I know I cannot do justice to what we heard on Sunday night, you would all have to get the CD, but this message was so powerful to me…. For someone to love like they've never been hurt is so unimaginable! Could I do that, could we all do that? Could we all forgive and display love like Joseph did?
I've wrote this before but God in all His mercy showed me such love, when I least deserve it, it was there for me. The love of God is what brought me to my senses and set me free…. I cannot even in simple words tell you the wonderful powerful love of God.
Love is more powerful than hate
I thank God today for all he has done for me… I cannot tell, say, or shout it out enough… I'm still feasting on what I heard and felt on Sunday night! Praise God for His mercy and grace!!! HALLELUJAH!!!
‼Jesus help me to love like I've never been hurt
Because love is more powerful then hate‼
I want to be like Joseph and totally put my trust in God in any situation or trial I may be in… I want to purpose in my heart to not let situations and circumstances change how I love people. God will raise us up if we just love like we've never been hurt and continue to serve our Heavenly Father with all our hearts. What a great example and testimony to me…
Romors, Gossip and False Accusatons
Hello my friends and family; I found this blog on another site I'm a member of and just had to share... It is so full of truth and inspiration that the words have been an encouragement to me... and came at a time that I needed it most...
I do not take the credit for this one but I do believe in all the truths that is shares....
Saturday, July 26, 2008
"If I had a dollar for every time I heard the words, "Did you hear?" or "You wouldn't believe this." You are 110% right, I DON'T BELIEVE IT. I've grown to really learn some things about life, and I am going to openly share them with you. First, the majority of things we hear and listen to aren't really true. In fact, take it from a man who has traveled the world over the last 10 years and has "heard" many things about people. I used to love the juice, and welcome it; I was the king of being in on the "know" and being the man my friends would call and jokingly say, "Maddix, fill me in on the latest." Well, I'd like to fill you in on the latest and let you know that rumors, gossip, and false accusations are childish, painful, inconsiderate, and plain destructive. There is much in the Bible about our tongues and what our responsibility is when it comes to rumors and gossip. Our job is to keep our mouths shut and not spread the fire or add wood to the fire. It's amazing to me that the people who are always talking and slamming others are the ones who are doing absolutely nothing with their lives. Rather than them stepping up to the plate and actually getting a life, they choose to just get on the phone or Internet and talk about stuff they know nothing about. It's ridiculous the amount of people that have had their reputations destroyed because of a gossiper who didn't tell the "FULL" story or even know the full story. Ladies and gentlemen, life is way too short to waste it on meaningless gossip and spreading rumors.I've actually grown up a lot over the past few years and have come to the understanding of what Jesus said, "Woman, where are your accusers?" The poor lady was about to be stoned to death. We in the church are awesome at stoning people that have fallen into sin, and condemning people to hell for being human. I really like what Jesus said, "He that is without sin, let him cast the first stone!" I put away my stones about a year ago; I stopped talking bad about others and listening to junk about others. Friends, I've traveled and heard thousands of rumors or the "inside scoop" on so and so and am quite disgusted with all of it. I'm so ready to just have a decent conversation with someone and talk about ideas, plans, dreams, and success rather than waste away at my energy and passion by talking about things that I don't have a clue about 99% of the time and don't even know if the junk is true. It's a shame that we can't just realize that we all have made mistakes, we've all failed, we all have a past, and we all have sinned against God at one time or another in our lives.I've had the privilege of meeting some pretty powerful men of God in my life, and what encourages me more than anything else on earth is not their power, gifts, talent, or anointing, but rather their humanity. I've grown to respect men and women, because they are human, honest, and transparent; it's not because they are perfect and without failure. Guys, let's be raw and honest. Who hasn't messed up, made a bad choice, call or decision? Who hasn't done things that they were ashamed of or regretted? Give me a perfect man who is always attacking others and judging others, and I'll give you a man who is heading for a fall. Friends, I know "dirt" and "the inside" about a lot of people but simply erased it from my mind and was determined to never bring a man or lady down. God is a whole lot bigger than you or I, and if God wants to expose somebody and wipe them out, then he can do more in 1 hour than I can in a lifetime. I've learned to just pray for others and disregard all the rumors and gossip. It's simply not fair. Most of the time, God really wants to give someone mercy and help them get back to grace, and stand again. My goodness, we are so ready to pick up the phone and destroy somebody. I've always learned, "There are two sides to every story, and if I didn't hear, see, or know all, then I just should turn it over to God." God will take care of the situation or person. It's not fair to destroy reputation or gossip about stuff just because you "heard it." I've always asked people, "Do you know this for a fact, or is this something that you "heard"?" Sadly, 99% of the time they will say, "Well, I don't know, but it's what I heard!" Great, go flush it down the toilet, and go do something with your life, rather than get involved with a bunch of junk and gossip.I've protected many preachers, because all it takes is one devil or one jealous person, and they could wipe them out, when God doesn't want them wiped out in the first place. Most people are clueless and ignorant about what to do. My favorite book in the world was written by Andy Stanley and it's called, "The Greatest Question in the World!" The greatest question in the word is, "What's the WISE thing to do?" The wise thing to do is to be a merciful person, and turn every rumor and gossip over to God. Why? God will take care of everything, and we always reap what we sow. You will learn through life that the majority of stuff that you heard was intended to stop with you, because it's a lie or a false accusation.Somebody told me just the other day, "I heard a rumor about you…" I said, "I don't even want to know what it is." They said, "What? Don't you want to know what people are saying about you?" No, because my life is intended on being a great dad to my son, a great pastor to my church, to reach over 7 billion people, and fulfill my life's mission. I know who I am and I know where I've gone and what I've done with my life. The things I "may have done", I've taken care of with God and my pastor. The things that I have not, believe you me, God is big enough and God enough to handle me and deal with me. Therefore, I choose not to listen to the negative press or reports. I know God, my family, my church, and my friends love me and don't believe the junk. Ladies and gentlemen, we could save ourselves a ton of energy and negativity by simply choosing not to listen to all the junk, lies, gossip, and rumors of others. We would save ourselves a lot of time and energy if we stopped worrying about the "rumor mill" and "the inside scoop", and focused on loving our family, living for God, and making a difference in our lives.Last, but not least, always remember that you will feel better about yourself and be a much happier person if you don't spread gossip. Also, remember that you should always rule with mercy, because there may come a day in your life that you may need mercy. Jesus said, "Unto the merciful, I will be merciful." I really believe that God will always protect me as long as I stay humble, practice mercy, and protect the names and reputations of others, even if they were wrong or it was true. The ultimate question to ask your friends and confidantes, "Is my name safe in your mouth?" If you are surrounded by talkers, gossipers, and rumor spreaders, then you would be wise to slowly escape their presence, because your name isn't safe with them. Who in the world understands or knows how to keep a confidence these days? It's a shame that none of us know who to trust or share our struggles, weaknesses, sins, or failures with, because by 7:00 a.m. tomorrow the entire world will know. Well, I can't answer for others, but I've a very strong value and conviction that if I swore to confidence, then it goes to my grave, and there isn't a person on earth that will ever hear what I promise to keep in confidence. You know we could save a lot more people and ministers if we were safe to be open with each other and not worry about being destroyed by a rumor spreader or gossiper. Always remember, "Great people talk about great ideas, average people talk about average ideas, and small people talk about other people."
Matt Maddix
I do not take the credit for this one but I do believe in all the truths that is shares....
Saturday, July 26, 2008
"If I had a dollar for every time I heard the words, "Did you hear?" or "You wouldn't believe this." You are 110% right, I DON'T BELIEVE IT. I've grown to really learn some things about life, and I am going to openly share them with you. First, the majority of things we hear and listen to aren't really true. In fact, take it from a man who has traveled the world over the last 10 years and has "heard" many things about people. I used to love the juice, and welcome it; I was the king of being in on the "know" and being the man my friends would call and jokingly say, "Maddix, fill me in on the latest." Well, I'd like to fill you in on the latest and let you know that rumors, gossip, and false accusations are childish, painful, inconsiderate, and plain destructive. There is much in the Bible about our tongues and what our responsibility is when it comes to rumors and gossip. Our job is to keep our mouths shut and not spread the fire or add wood to the fire. It's amazing to me that the people who are always talking and slamming others are the ones who are doing absolutely nothing with their lives. Rather than them stepping up to the plate and actually getting a life, they choose to just get on the phone or Internet and talk about stuff they know nothing about. It's ridiculous the amount of people that have had their reputations destroyed because of a gossiper who didn't tell the "FULL" story or even know the full story. Ladies and gentlemen, life is way too short to waste it on meaningless gossip and spreading rumors.I've actually grown up a lot over the past few years and have come to the understanding of what Jesus said, "Woman, where are your accusers?" The poor lady was about to be stoned to death. We in the church are awesome at stoning people that have fallen into sin, and condemning people to hell for being human. I really like what Jesus said, "He that is without sin, let him cast the first stone!" I put away my stones about a year ago; I stopped talking bad about others and listening to junk about others. Friends, I've traveled and heard thousands of rumors or the "inside scoop" on so and so and am quite disgusted with all of it. I'm so ready to just have a decent conversation with someone and talk about ideas, plans, dreams, and success rather than waste away at my energy and passion by talking about things that I don't have a clue about 99% of the time and don't even know if the junk is true. It's a shame that we can't just realize that we all have made mistakes, we've all failed, we all have a past, and we all have sinned against God at one time or another in our lives.I've had the privilege of meeting some pretty powerful men of God in my life, and what encourages me more than anything else on earth is not their power, gifts, talent, or anointing, but rather their humanity. I've grown to respect men and women, because they are human, honest, and transparent; it's not because they are perfect and without failure. Guys, let's be raw and honest. Who hasn't messed up, made a bad choice, call or decision? Who hasn't done things that they were ashamed of or regretted? Give me a perfect man who is always attacking others and judging others, and I'll give you a man who is heading for a fall. Friends, I know "dirt" and "the inside" about a lot of people but simply erased it from my mind and was determined to never bring a man or lady down. God is a whole lot bigger than you or I, and if God wants to expose somebody and wipe them out, then he can do more in 1 hour than I can in a lifetime. I've learned to just pray for others and disregard all the rumors and gossip. It's simply not fair. Most of the time, God really wants to give someone mercy and help them get back to grace, and stand again. My goodness, we are so ready to pick up the phone and destroy somebody. I've always learned, "There are two sides to every story, and if I didn't hear, see, or know all, then I just should turn it over to God." God will take care of the situation or person. It's not fair to destroy reputation or gossip about stuff just because you "heard it." I've always asked people, "Do you know this for a fact, or is this something that you "heard"?" Sadly, 99% of the time they will say, "Well, I don't know, but it's what I heard!" Great, go flush it down the toilet, and go do something with your life, rather than get involved with a bunch of junk and gossip.I've protected many preachers, because all it takes is one devil or one jealous person, and they could wipe them out, when God doesn't want them wiped out in the first place. Most people are clueless and ignorant about what to do. My favorite book in the world was written by Andy Stanley and it's called, "The Greatest Question in the World!" The greatest question in the word is, "What's the WISE thing to do?" The wise thing to do is to be a merciful person, and turn every rumor and gossip over to God. Why? God will take care of everything, and we always reap what we sow. You will learn through life that the majority of stuff that you heard was intended to stop with you, because it's a lie or a false accusation.Somebody told me just the other day, "I heard a rumor about you…" I said, "I don't even want to know what it is." They said, "What? Don't you want to know what people are saying about you?" No, because my life is intended on being a great dad to my son, a great pastor to my church, to reach over 7 billion people, and fulfill my life's mission. I know who I am and I know where I've gone and what I've done with my life. The things I "may have done", I've taken care of with God and my pastor. The things that I have not, believe you me, God is big enough and God enough to handle me and deal with me. Therefore, I choose not to listen to the negative press or reports. I know God, my family, my church, and my friends love me and don't believe the junk. Ladies and gentlemen, we could save ourselves a ton of energy and negativity by simply choosing not to listen to all the junk, lies, gossip, and rumors of others. We would save ourselves a lot of time and energy if we stopped worrying about the "rumor mill" and "the inside scoop", and focused on loving our family, living for God, and making a difference in our lives.Last, but not least, always remember that you will feel better about yourself and be a much happier person if you don't spread gossip. Also, remember that you should always rule with mercy, because there may come a day in your life that you may need mercy. Jesus said, "Unto the merciful, I will be merciful." I really believe that God will always protect me as long as I stay humble, practice mercy, and protect the names and reputations of others, even if they were wrong or it was true. The ultimate question to ask your friends and confidantes, "Is my name safe in your mouth?" If you are surrounded by talkers, gossipers, and rumor spreaders, then you would be wise to slowly escape their presence, because your name isn't safe with them. Who in the world understands or knows how to keep a confidence these days? It's a shame that none of us know who to trust or share our struggles, weaknesses, sins, or failures with, because by 7:00 a.m. tomorrow the entire world will know. Well, I can't answer for others, but I've a very strong value and conviction that if I swore to confidence, then it goes to my grave, and there isn't a person on earth that will ever hear what I promise to keep in confidence. You know we could save a lot more people and ministers if we were safe to be open with each other and not worry about being destroyed by a rumor spreader or gossiper. Always remember, "Great people talk about great ideas, average people talk about average ideas, and small people talk about other people."
Matt Maddix
♪♫ JESUS loves me this I know ♫♪
Saturday, July 26, 2008
♪♫ Jesus Love ME this I know, for the Bible tells me so... ♫♪
We sing this song in Sunday School... Learn it at a very young age... Could almost ask anyone on the street and they would know this song... Well, there is so much TRUTH to this song it would/could bring any sinner to their knees. If you believe the Words of the Lord, how could you not believe the TRUTH of these words.The reason for this blog is I was reflecting on the wonderful love of God and how much He loves us/me. I could not go a day without His UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. I would die in my own sin, sorrow and loneliness without Him and His love.I've experienced tremendous love from my wonderful Savior, I cannot explain...
2007/2008 He has wrapped me in the tenderness of His love that it brought me to a place of deliverance. I almost lost all that was precious to me. If it was left up to people I would be lost and condemned to a life in Hell. Thank God for the love of my husband and people that BELIEVED in the truth of Gods word to lift me up out of my dispare. We in our humanity make many mistakes and bad choices, I found it doesn't matter who you are or how long you've lived for God... We are all human.
"Even the righteous fall when they are distracted and swayed by
'the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life"
(1 Jhn 2:16)
I am not proud of my backslidden state and this is not what my blog is about.... but about the love of a Savior that does not...
'despise a broken and a contrite heart' (Ps 51:17)
The Bible tells me that
'Love covereth a multitude of sin' (I Pet 4:8)
Oh! how beautiful true love can be!!! Without it we would all be lost in our sins.
♥Christ bare all the sins of the world on the cross because of LOVE!
♥The Lord is able to wipe my tears away because of LOVE!
♥The Lord was able to cast all my sins into the depth of the sea of forgetfulness because of LOVE!
♥Christ was able to give me new life because of LOVE!
♥I am able to begin anew again because of LOVE!
♥I'm able to love others because of LOVE!
♥I'm able to lift my head as a new creature in Christ because of LOVE!
♥My life work in God is able to be fulfilled because of LOVE!
♥I'm able to love my husband because of LOVE!
♥I'm able to love my children because of LOVE!
♥I'm able to see beyond my faults and failures because of LOVE!
♥I'm able to see beyond the faults of others because of LOVE!
♥Christ is able to heal all my diseases because of LOVE!
How do I know that God loves me? Because the Bible tells me so.... He has covered my sin with His blood and will never bring it up to me again. Only the enemy will bring up your past sins and forever hold it above your head because the Bible says...
"he is the accuser of the brethren and his ways are to kill,
steal and to destroy."
Ps. 145:8
"The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.' ' He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities"
"He, being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity, and destroyed them not..."
Ps. 78:38
'For the Lord is good and His mercy endureth forever'
Ps. 118:29
I have to say that I'm overwhelmed with the love and mercy God has bestowed on my life. There are no words to express my feelings and thoughts. A blog will not do justice to the Love of God that is there for us all.The greatest place to look, is the Bible to read, know, feel, experience, see the love of our wonderful Savior!
I hold true to the truth of His word and no one else's words matter to me. The Love that God has graciously given/shown me is more that any human capacity can give.It has been the greatest experience in my life...
I thought after living for Him for over 25 years that I knew the love of God but I never even touched the true meaning of His love.... We are so undeserving and are but dust in the ground but He so loved the world... which includes you and me.I will not look back and will not bring my shortcomings, faults and past failures before Him any longer because when I do he tells me
'What sin?'
I love Him so much that He is all that matters to me... My family and my church are true believers in the Words of the Lord that they also tell me 'What sin?
'I will forever be in the love and mercies of God; that is why I sign off with *4Ever[N]HisMercy*
♫♪ Once I was lost but now I am found.... because 'Jesus loves me this I know... ♪♫
When Julian laughs
Sunday, April 06, 2008
When Julian laughs he brings a smile to my lips,
It makes me thankful that I did not quit.
I sought for peace in a time of dispare,
Knowing that no matter what there is a God that cares.
He restored all life a new and brought me closer to you,
With love so real and so true,
that I am no longer singing the blues.
So when Julian laughs and brings a smile to my lips...
He makes me thankful that I did not quit.
='( My heart♥ is full of so many tears )'=
When I wrote this I was very depressed and despondent... God was working in my life with the love of my husband, He was bringing me back to myself...
Sunday, April 06, 2008
♥ When I awoke with feelings of distress so near, My heart was full of so many tears.
♥ Thinking about hearts that are full of hate, Of things that I have caused of late.
♥ I knew I did you wrong that day, when my heart was full of sin and play.
♥ I was a soul so far from God our Father, my soul drifted backward even farther.
♥ My mind was wrong my strength was weak, the enemy knew and my life he did seek.
♥ He brought me so low, Gods Word I wondered, to my soul he ravaged and plundered.
♥ He used my friends to bring me lower, I thought I would die my heart beat slower.
♥ And in my weakened, hasting heart, I did things that drew us apart.
♥ And now your hate has waken my heart, and with my tears I'm falling apart.
♥ To know that we could never be friends again, because my soul you have condemn.
♥ I said I was sorry, I asked for forgiveness, but you've hardened your heart and don't see my repentance.
♥ I wake up with feelings of distress so near, my heart is full of so many tears.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
♥ When I awoke with feelings of distress so near, My heart was full of so many tears.
♥ Thinking about hearts that are full of hate, Of things that I have caused of late.
♥ I knew I did you wrong that day, when my heart was full of sin and play.
♥ I was a soul so far from God our Father, my soul drifted backward even farther.
♥ My mind was wrong my strength was weak, the enemy knew and my life he did seek.
♥ He brought me so low, Gods Word I wondered, to my soul he ravaged and plundered.
♥ He used my friends to bring me lower, I thought I would die my heart beat slower.
♥ And in my weakened, hasting heart, I did things that drew us apart.
♥ And now your hate has waken my heart, and with my tears I'm falling apart.
♥ To know that we could never be friends again, because my soul you have condemn.
♥ I said I was sorry, I asked for forgiveness, but you've hardened your heart and don't see my repentance.
♥ I wake up with feelings of distress so near, my heart is full of so many tears.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
When love didn’t let me just walk away,
When love believed in my true self,
When love knew the depths of my heart,
When love saw I was broken and undone,
When love seen I couldn’t stand on my own,
When love seen I was used and abused,
When love did not point or accuse,
I knew…
It was love sent from heaven
It was your love who seen thru our tragedy,
It was your love that looked beyond my faults,
It was your love who stood before me,
It was your love who defended who I truly am,
It was your love that kept me from falling in my despair,
It was your love that helped me stand, and lifted my hands
I knew…
It was love sent from heaven
I will always love you,
I will always love the God that stands behind you,
I will always remember what our God has done for us.
For He is the strength of our days
And the love of our nights
Because we know …
It was love sent from Heaven
ABOUT MY HUSBAND -- Danny Bisiar

*This will be easy ;0)* My husband is the ULTIMATE caring loving father and husband ♥ He is Caucasian at 6' 3" ♥ He has a winning smile and a great personality, a great soul winning devise ♥ he's loved by many and would give a helping hand to anyone in need ♥ He's a hard worker and has been working for the City for over 17yrs ♥ His favorite occupation is truck-driving, he did that for many years and was a truck-driver when we first married, he just loves the wide open road ♥ We've talked many times about riding the roads and being teamsters... lol ♥ He loves God with all his heart and is a firm believer of prayer and the Power of the Cross ♥ He does all that is ask of his Pastor and is very dedicated and loyal ♥ He plays the trumpet and can read sheet music, he can also play by ear. A great musician ♥ He also can sing and bring the house down in worship ♥ I love when he is anointed by God when he plays or sings, what a great move of God it brings ♥ I love when he prays for people as the tears fall, What faith and compassion ♥ He loves his children and wants the best for them and so tends to be a little hard, a little discipline never hurt any child, right? ♥ He loves me like no other! He thinks I’m the queen of the house and expects my children to treat me thus... lol ;0) ♥ He thinks I’m beautiful and worth fighting for, He takes me places and love to make me happy ♥ He knows how important our lives are together as one and respects my say on many issues ♥ YES HE IS JUST A MAN AND HAS Faults, but who doesn't? lol ♥ I love him, he loves me and we love Christ and our children are the best... that is all that matters! ♥ Christ is the center of our lives and He is the one that keeps us together... without Him we would be nothing ♥ He's just a great guy I wouldn't have it any different ♥ I am blessed of God because of him ♥ I LOVE HIM!
*This will be easy ;0)* My husband is the ULTIMATE caring loving father and husband ♥ He is Caucasian at 6' 3" ♥ He has a winning smile and a great personality, a great soul winning devise ♥ he's loved by many and would give a helping hand to anyone in need ♥ He's a hard worker and has been working for the City for over 17yrs ♥ His favorite occupation is truck-driving, he did that for many years and was a truck-driver when we first married, he just loves the wide open road ♥ We've talked many times about riding the roads and being teamsters... lol ♥ He loves God with all his heart and is a firm believer of prayer and the Power of the Cross ♥ He does all that is ask of his Pastor and is very dedicated and loyal ♥ He plays the trumpet and can read sheet music, he can also play by ear. A great musician ♥ He also can sing and bring the house down in worship ♥ I love when he is anointed by God when he plays or sings, what a great move of God it brings ♥ I love when he prays for people as the tears fall, What faith and compassion ♥ He loves his children and wants the best for them and so tends to be a little hard, a little discipline never hurt any child, right? ♥ He loves me like no other! He thinks I’m the queen of the house and expects my children to treat me thus... lol ;0) ♥ He thinks I’m beautiful and worth fighting for, He takes me places and love to make me happy ♥ He knows how important our lives are together as one and respects my say on many issues ♥ YES HE IS JUST A MAN AND HAS Faults, but who doesn't? lol ♥ I love him, he loves me and we love Christ and our children are the best... that is all that matters! ♥ Christ is the center of our lives and He is the one that keeps us together... without Him we would be nothing ♥ He's just a great guy I wouldn't have it any different ♥ I am blessed of God because of him ♥ I LOVE HIM!
ABOUT ME -- Ruby Bisiar
♥♥♥♥♥ Hi, My name is Ruby ♥ I am Hispanic ♥ I am happily married to Danny, who is the most AWESOMEST, WONDERFUL, HANDSOMEST, FUNNIEST, CARING, LOVING FATHER AND HUSBAND ♥ He has been by my side since Sept. 1987 ♥ We have both failed each other many times in our marriage and had to go thru many trials, because of wrong choices we both had made ♥ We've had to learn to put those things behind us in order to rebuild our trust again ♥ Our ultimate test was the year 2007. The worst decisions were made during this year that there was no possible way our marriage would survive such destruction ♥ GOD came thru once again, why? Because of the power of the cross of His love toward us, souls ♥ 2008 became the greatest turning point of our marriage!!! HALLELUJAH! God has always been there for us and Jesus is still in the healing business because I believe He has great compassion for lost souls ♥ He can do above and beyond all that we ask, if we will but move aside and let HIM pull us thru without our limitations ♥ Our life long dream has always been to grow old together and it will come to pass! ♥ I guess you can say that I’m pretty outgoing, just a little anyways LOL ♥ but when life hits hard sometimes it can turn us into the worst that we can be, but I have learned that TRUSTING in Jesus will bring you out as gold tried in a furnace and you can enjoy life once again =0) in the power of the Holy Ghost! ♥ I have experienced new life and restoration. Deliverance in Jesus Name! He has changed me, renewed me, and brought me to the place where I am today ♥ Our family is on a new path of growth and I will forever praise His name ♥ There has been some incredible life changing decisions that is only possible with God ♥ I'm very down to earth and easy to talk to ♥ I'm a great listener and love to encourage and uplift peeps ♥ Because with Christ all things are possible ♥ I love peeps no matter what and have great compassion for souls, I want to bring whoever I can to Christ and help them make Heaven their home ♥ I enjoy the simple things of life so I don't need the entertainment of the world to lift my spirits, for God is the lover of my soul and the lifter of my head ♥ I'm a FT preschool teacher of 2s and they are the greatest! They are my passion ♥ We have three great children; one young adult, one teen and one child; they are all in school ♥ I love the Lord with all my heart and I am indebted to Him forever ♥ He will forever be my love and Savior ♥ without Him I am nothing ♥ I am working daily to make Heaven my home and it's not an easy task, but as long as I wear the armor of God and keep His Word locked in my heart I will make it ♥ He is the center of my life actually my world ♥ He has to be after the near fatal destruction of our lil' family and during this time and age where families are being destroyed by the worlds agenda ♥ Family has become very important to me... they have become number one in my life; it is all about them not me ♥ I go to church and I'm an Apostolic Pentecostal 'young lady' and wouldn't trade this life of freedom for any life of bondage and addiction in this world of hate and bitterness ♥ I once was there and don't wish to live in that life of misery and uncertainty, its too heavy for one to bare and to overwhelming ♥ I love music and love to sing praises to God and Worship His wonderful name! And just being under the influence of His Spirit!! ♥ The name of our church is 'Jesus Name Lighthouse' ♥ We love it, the pastors are long time friends (I'm so thankful for that, for where would me and my little family be if they hadn't reached out to us when we had no one else to turn too and those we thought we could turn too, told us to go else where) ♥ I have a wonderful family in Arizona ♥ They are the ultimate and the best peeps to me ♥ I miss them very much and wish we didn't live so far apart ♥ I would love to see them more often ♥ I miss and will forever love my mother who passed away Mothers Day 2008, She will forever be in my heart ♥♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥♥ Hi, My name is Ruby ♥ I am Hispanic ♥ I am happily married to Danny, who is the most AWESOMEST, WONDERFUL, HANDSOMEST, FUNNIEST, CARING, LOVING FATHER AND HUSBAND ♥ He has been by my side since Sept. 1987 ♥ We have both failed each other many times in our marriage and had to go thru many trials, because of wrong choices we both had made ♥ We've had to learn to put those things behind us in order to rebuild our trust again ♥ Our ultimate test was the year 2007. The worst decisions were made during this year that there was no possible way our marriage would survive such destruction ♥ GOD came thru once again, why? Because of the power of the cross of His love toward us, souls ♥ 2008 became the greatest turning point of our marriage!!! HALLELUJAH! God has always been there for us and Jesus is still in the healing business because I believe He has great compassion for lost souls ♥ He can do above and beyond all that we ask, if we will but move aside and let HIM pull us thru without our limitations ♥ Our life long dream has always been to grow old together and it will come to pass! ♥ I guess you can say that I’m pretty outgoing, just a little anyways LOL ♥ but when life hits hard sometimes it can turn us into the worst that we can be, but I have learned that TRUSTING in Jesus will bring you out as gold tried in a furnace and you can enjoy life once again =0) in the power of the Holy Ghost! ♥ I have experienced new life and restoration. Deliverance in Jesus Name! He has changed me, renewed me, and brought me to the place where I am today ♥ Our family is on a new path of growth and I will forever praise His name ♥ There has been some incredible life changing decisions that is only possible with God ♥ I'm very down to earth and easy to talk to ♥ I'm a great listener and love to encourage and uplift peeps ♥ Because with Christ all things are possible ♥ I love peeps no matter what and have great compassion for souls, I want to bring whoever I can to Christ and help them make Heaven their home ♥ I enjoy the simple things of life so I don't need the entertainment of the world to lift my spirits, for God is the lover of my soul and the lifter of my head ♥ I'm a FT preschool teacher of 2s and they are the greatest! They are my passion ♥ We have three great children; one young adult, one teen and one child; they are all in school ♥ I love the Lord with all my heart and I am indebted to Him forever ♥ He will forever be my love and Savior ♥ without Him I am nothing ♥ I am working daily to make Heaven my home and it's not an easy task, but as long as I wear the armor of God and keep His Word locked in my heart I will make it ♥ He is the center of my life actually my world ♥ He has to be after the near fatal destruction of our lil' family and during this time and age where families are being destroyed by the worlds agenda ♥ Family has become very important to me... they have become number one in my life; it is all about them not me ♥ I go to church and I'm an Apostolic Pentecostal 'young lady' and wouldn't trade this life of freedom for any life of bondage and addiction in this world of hate and bitterness ♥ I once was there and don't wish to live in that life of misery and uncertainty, its too heavy for one to bare and to overwhelming ♥ I love music and love to sing praises to God and Worship His wonderful name! And just being under the influence of His Spirit!! ♥ The name of our church is 'Jesus Name Lighthouse' ♥ We love it, the pastors are long time friends (I'm so thankful for that, for where would me and my little family be if they hadn't reached out to us when we had no one else to turn too and those we thought we could turn too, told us to go else where) ♥ I have a wonderful family in Arizona ♥ They are the ultimate and the best peeps to me ♥ I miss them very much and wish we didn't live so far apart ♥ I would love to see them more often ♥ I miss and will forever love my mother who passed away Mothers Day 2008, She will forever be in my heart ♥♥♥♥♥
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