Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 01 - Ten facts about myself ;)

30 Day Challenge in Pictures

"This is something I am doing on FB, but Id thought Id do it here as well.
It's a pretty fun game, I think, and very challenging indeed!!
There are some pictures during this challenge I'm not sure where or
how I'm going to get them. But I must try ;) lol...
I'm going to try to take a different twist on my blog spot then what I'm doing on FB.
Just cause here, my passion is of Christ and Him only♥
He is my everything, but of course you all ready know that, for those of you that follow me."

Day 1 is a picture of myself with 10 FACTS
not opinions but FACTS, lol (I said that because my husband and
daughter criticized me about my 10 facts on FB ;)
They are such experts on things like this I guess *hehe*)

1. I absolutely LOVE the Lord and His presence, I die every time I have to miss the house of God. I would die without Him in my life. I know this because It happened before :(, me being dead.

2. I am Apostolic to the bone ;)

3. I am an ‘AWESOME’ preschool teacher of 16+ years… lol

4. I love my husband of 23.10 years

5. I love my children; Cynthia; 21.1 yrs, Sean; 19.4yrs and Julian; 8.7 yrs

6. I love to blog about what I love; my life with Christ and my lil Julian, I just don't have enough time to do it  :(

7. I'm addicted to FB; unfortunately... (can be very annoying)

8. I have two favorite vacation spots; South Lake Tahoe at the cabin and Fort Bragg beaches

9. I'm addicted to coffee; as a matter of fact I use it to put me to sleep :) lol

10. I’m very forgiving.

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