Sunday, July 17, 2011

Satan is the accuser of the brethern. Don't be his tool.

The Bible describes Satan as the "accuser of the brethren." He is seen as a sort of evil prosecutor who brings accusations against us, but Christ as our defense attorney steps in and pleads our case.
Our case, of course, is that He died for our sins, and they cannot be held against us *HALLELUJAH*.
Since Christ paid the price for them with His own blood, punishing us for them would be a sort of spiritual double-trouble. Now that's a very simplistic explanation of the concept because Satan not only accuses us of our sins, he also tempts us to sin further. It's as though the prosecutor is also your drug dealer.
*Jesus help us*
Not only are we accused before God, we are also accused within our own minds. We struggle with thoughts like, "God could never love you. Not after you did that!" Sometimes even in church, I feel the sting of accusation, "You don't belong among these good people. You aren't worthy or good enough."

There is a point we all need to understand, which I was poorly trying to say in a box that only carries 420 characters earlier today on a different site, accusation is not the same thing as conviction. When we sin, we feel a sense of conviction. This is good because it should lead us to repent and for most of us it has.
Accusation comes AFTER we repent and are forgiven. Accusation is when a sin is brought to memory that even God has forgotten.
The Bible says that God casts our sin in a "sea of forgetfulness." A God who is omniscient chooses to forget the sins we have committed. So who are we to bring them up? God Himself would be more justified to bring them up then anyone of us. But unfortunately we become a tool for Satan and accuse each other. We bring up old sins and hold them against each other. We bring accusations against those who are no longer accountable for their crimes. We have all done some horrible things, and have paid our debt in many ways and sometimes still live with the repercussions. For some people this is not enough, they want to continue to bring this charge against them. I have done horrible things, and Christ has paid my debt. Yet, there are still forces that want to bring these charges against me.
I think it's important that we try to become more Christ like in learning to forgive and forget. If God forgets our sins, we should forget the sins that others commit. We should not allow ourselves to become "tools of the devil" for those who are covered in Christ's blood.
God, help us not to bring accusations against each other, and help those who feel accused to rest in Your tremendous mercy and grace that is given freely on a daily basis, once we have repented.
Do we have any examples of Satan accusing "our brethren before God" (Rev. 12:10)? Yes, we find in Job 1:6-11; 2:1-6. Job was a good man! God said so Himself to this fact. However, it did not matter to Satan. He accused Job anyway. Here we see a true picture of Satan as "the accuser of our brethren." Satan also tempts mankind. Hence, people can become "accusers of our brethren" and share in the devil's work.
We see people carrying out the work of the devil in both testaments. Job's brethren falsely accused him (4:7-9). The Pharisees falsely accused Jesus (Matt. 12:22-24). Among the sins characteristic of the "last days" is that some will be "false accusers" (2 Tim. 3:3). Now these are accusations of innocent people and If people can become false accusers, then we can become false accusers. The sad thing about this is being a partaker in the devil's work.
But what about those that are not so innocent? Let's look at Paul for an example; Paul's persecution among the churches played havoc on their lives. They hid from fear of having this man find them and persecute them harshly to the point of death. But then Paul was struck down by the voice of God and repented of his horrible sins. The apostles accused him of many ghastly things witch affected his ministry to minister to others. Even to the point of mistrust from those that did not even know the 'new' Paul, effecting the church. 
Anyone Can Accuse Anyone of Anything because everyone has past sin in their lives that can be resurrected.

We are doing the work of the devil! What happens when we do this?
1. Such accusations hurt people, innocent people. Job's friends hurt him with their words (Job 16:1-2). Job felt the inward pain that comes to one who is falsely accused as have many brethren today who have faced such accusations.
2. Such accusations hurt people's reputations (those that are not so innocent). Paul's reputation suffered in the eyes of some of his brethren in the church at Corinth because of false accusations made by his enemies there (2 Cor. 10:2, 10). They apparently even turned Paul's refusal of support from the church there into an accusation (cf. 2 Cor. 11:7-9; 12:13). Yes, Paul had done wrong, but he had repented, which gave the apostles no support in accusing his actions.
3. To me the biggest thing about accusations is that such can poison a church. We need only look at Paul's relationship with the Corinthians to see this. Because of the charges made against Paul by his enemies at Corinth, he was not able to continue with his work of building up the church there. Rather, a large part of his second letter to the Corinthians was taken up with explanations of his conduct and answers to enemies (cf. 1:12-2:4; 4:2; 7:2; 12:19; chs. 10-12). We can come to believe the worst about our brothers and sisters simply by hearing and believing accusations, crimes that are no longer held against them for they are under the blood of Christ. We can be motivated by the desire to accuse others (Mark 3:2; John 8:6). Accusations, false or not, can lead to the severing of relationships among the people within the church. Hurting the ministry in severe ways sometimes splitting a church!

Such results has cause me to think soberly before casting off with some charge against my brother or sister.  Believing an accusation made by an-other. Call your brother in question or write them, seek to build bridges, not to destroy them. Remember, anyone can make false accusations about anyone else. God's people should seek what is true and not be led by idle charges or gossip. Love is the key. We need to treat others as they would like to be treated (Matt. 7:12)
and judge others by their fruits, and not by accusations they have heard
(Matt. 7:20; Gal. 2:14).
The devil is "the accuser of our brethren." It is bad enough that he is involved in such activity. But let us, God's people, not be a  part of the devil's work, don't be his tool.

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