Thursday, November 3, 2011

November: Being Thankfull :)

"A Thankful Heart Makes for a Happy Heart"

'Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;'
Ephesians 5:20

Many of my FB friends are making an effort to post daily of what they are thankful toward. Since it is only the second day, everyone has done well to do just that ;) I decided to jump on the 'thankful' band wagon for the next 30 days. And challenge you to do the same :) 
You don't necessarily have to post or blog about it, but in your heart. During your quiet time with the Lord, make your thankfulness known. You will be surprised how truly blessed you are, how God has been there for you, how the people around you really do care...
It's funny when you stop and really count your blessings and give thanks, it gets your mind off all the negative situations, circumstances and just life. Puts you into a 'happy' mood... Id much rather be happy then down and sad.

Let's give praise, glory, honor and thanksgiving  this month, see where it leads us! :)

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