Here I go talking about posting everyday about something I am thankful for and I cannot even do that small task. So let me try and make up the last 5 days.
Being thankful is something we should always be and should take us further than these 30 days. But of course this has been hard for even me to come and sit at my computer and post a daily praise report.
God forbid that there is no praise or thanksgiving in my heart. I am extremely thankful and give Him all praise and honor! Just this life alone (a life in HIM) is worthy of praise and I will forever be thankful!!

First of all Id like to say I'm extremely thankful for Jesus Name Lighthouse; the church our family attends at this time. It came into our lives at the most ugliest and worst time of our existence; lust, hate, depression, disgrace, shame, unforgiveness, hostility, and dispare.... We were in the deepest part of a pit that had no bottom. In the midst of our falling we were being weakened, divided, and completely shattered into tiny little pieces that in no way could ever be put back together again. Our family was not going to survive this reduced state that we were becoming. Not in a matter of days but minutes upon the hour (for you see, I believe the enemy knew he only had a limited amount of time before an all out revival would take place. If were saved he knew we were going to me mightier than we've ever been in our life time serving Christ).
Pastor Champlain and his wife, Gayla, came to our rescue. I say rescue because everyone we were devoted to and loved with all our hearts turned their backs on us and left us to die. And in all reality that is OK because I really feel this deserting was in the will of my father. For you see this rescue in our lives came from a wonderful family and a beautiful church. They came to us, pulled us out of the pit as we were falling and gave us hope. They prayed for us our children and our home, there were many demons to fight and what a fight they gave... not for themselves but because they saw souls they once knew being destroyed by the destroyer himself. They knew we were not who we once were being deceived into believing lies upon lies of lust and pride; that we were no longer the true believers of the Cross as we once were.
It has been four years and four months since the time of our deliverance, and so much I am not typing here, that I am so thankful. Restoration, love, mercy, forgiveness, grace, peace, joy, power, anointing, healing and just plain revival has entered our lives thru Jesus Name Lighthouse. God used these ministers to reach out to our cause. Pastor's saying is 'Show the world Jesus' and that he did in tremendous ways, he has shown our family Jesus. He also says 'he is not building a church but leading souls to Heaven' and that is how he leads his church; thru strong preaching, accountability, love and repentance, forgiveness, restoration and mercy; because what is important is to make heaven our home!!
I don't know where we would be today, November 6, 2011 if it had not been for this Pastor and his church. I will be forever grateful and thankful for all the work God has done in us thru JNL.
No, we have not attained all that needs to be obtained, for we are a work in progress. We will not reach our fulfillment until we reach our glorious Heaven!
Thank you Jesus Name Lighthouse for not letting us stay in the gutter of dispare and dieing in our sins, but bringing us before a loving God torn and in ruin for Him to bring to the perfection of His will.
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
Romans 12:2 KJV