Friday, June 8, 2012

First Day of Summer 2012

Yesterday was Julians last day of school, which makes today feel like a Saturday. I turned on the radio expecting for Kids and Company to come on but of course it did not because today is FRIDAY. So what is planned for today with a 9 1/2 year old? Nothing, absolutely nothing... It has been an absolutely beautiful lazy day.
The weather is lovely and the house is quiet (no preschoolers today). My heart feels good and revived in the LORD... He woke me up this morning with renewed life.

Not because my bank account is full
Not because I'm able to meet our bills
not because my children are serving Christ
Not because my husband has a fantastic job
Not because I'm healthy...

But because I know who I am, who I serve, who I love, and who I once was. God has been at work and many lives have come to know Him because of His mighty acts and the healing He has done. For that I am very thankful... Sometimes I feel completely unworthy of such a merciful God, but I know His love is greater then my failures and faults.
I've realized that the struggles of my life are not from Him but from the prince of this world... He has brought on sickness and pain. Struggles and hurts. Heaviness and burdens...
We need to remember that our God is for us and not against us... He has promised new life and freedom from our burdens and pain. He is a God of goodness and wishes for us to worship and love Him with all our heart, mind and soul. He wouldn't place unsettling burdens on us to distract us from what is really purposed in our lives.
I am persuaded that nothing could separate me from the love of God, nothing.
Be encouraged my friends and trust in the mighty God, Jesus Christ. He will meet those bills, He will save your children, family and friends, He will bless your job or give you something better, He will heal the sick body and help you get through those rough areas in your life. Our God is a God of purpose and not a God of destruction... If He has brought you this far, He will bring you the rest of the way.
In Christ name, Jesus... We are victorious!

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