Sunday, January 9, 2011

Revival countiues to burn in AZ...

♪♫ There's a new name...
written down in glory... ♫♪

I have to thank and give my God glory for what has transpired in many lives... Our Savior God has touched many lives since the death of my mother... She was always praying for her children and grand-children, that one day they would find truth and desire to walk with Christ in the way that she did... 
A Holy Ghost, victorious, liberated life in Christ Jesus...
Sometimes it does take tragic episodes in our lives to bring us to a place of repentance. And the death of my mother was very hard for many of us to accept.... especially my sisters and their children that were not serving God or didn't really know who h
He was. For that matter they had no desire to know Him or to see what He was all about... but here we are, 2 years later, I would have never thought... it was such an impossibility but as the Lord works...
Luke 18:27 "And HE said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God."
Lives are being changed under the powerful move of the Holy Ghost!!! 
Tess is here getting ready to receive the name of Jesus on her life and wash all her sins away thru the power of the blood, as her husband, Yogi watches on and many of us who came to witness the wonderful time in her life...

Pastor Brown, from Truth Tabernacle Church of Avondale, AZ

Baptizes her in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins

Glory and praises to Jesus!!! He is the Savior of this world and brings liberty to the lost!!

thank you Jesus for what you are doing in these lives! My heart is overwhelmed with the goodness of the Lord and all he is doing!!

A lot of my familia' was there to witness this great event...
God is touching lives and it just starts with ONE!!!

another young lady followed suit and decided this is what she wanted also...

Alex worshiping and praising her new heavenly Father from above!!!

My niece Tessia and my nephew Darrell (cousins)

We beat feet it down to AZ when we heard Tessia was going to be baptized, it was something we honestly didn't want to miss... I'm just so amazed at what our God is doing!
just to see my family in an Apostolic Church, raising Holy hands unto our Lord, crying tears of thanksgiving at an ole' fashioned Pentecostal alter and best of all speaking in tongues for the first time in their entire lives!!!

"Acts 10:47-48 "Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the holy ghost as well as we? And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord...."

I was overflowing with wonder from above! I was blessed with a feeling I cannot describe in all my walk with God! Seeing my family reach out and grasping the Truth of God's Word!! In it's truest form!!!

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