I haven't posted in a while and I apologize ,) I haven't forgotten, it just comes so fast that I cannot keep up.. What comes so fast you ask??? The goodness of the Lord.
He is gracious in all that He does and has consumed my life! How can I write of everything I see or everything I feel... or every tear that falls or every prayer I prayed...
God's goodness is never ending and In Him is all righteousness!
So my heart is FULL of God's goodness...
"...The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth,"
Exodus 34:6b
"He loveth righteousness and judgment: the earth is full of the goodness of the LORD."
Psalms 33:5
All you have to do is look around you and really see the goodness of the Lord. It is there to be taken and put in the deepest part of our hearts... to feast on, to breath, and lean on. God's goodness is there in abundance!! Seek Him today and allow the goodness of God to fill your lives for seeking good in our everyday lives will profit nothing. He is the one we need to seek... You will lack no good thing if you seek the Lord. He’ll take care of you
"The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him."
Lamentations 3:25
I know I'm rambling, but God has been sooo good to me I have to glorify and praise Him continually, for my life is not my own... He has shown me goodness thru His wonderful mercy and grace... I cannot tell it all!!
"For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee."
Psalms 86:5
Once you know God is good, it changes everything about your life. Then you realize the responsibility you have in His goodness. What is it you ask?? lol...
It is rejoicing in His goodness wherever you are – in your car, at work, at the grocery store, at the gym, in the midst of difficulty and prosperity.
My friend there is so much to say about the goodness of the Lord, but I need sleep *zzz*
I will be back soon! There is such revival in my life/heart, in our church and in the people of God.
Be blessed in the goodness of the lord, take refuge in HIM and be thankful and praise His name!!
"Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him."
Psalm 34:8