Sunday, August 29, 2010

New Sunday School Buss

Our NEW Sunday School BUSS

Our Pastor has such a PASSION for souls that He had been in prayer for quite some time about many issues.
He has a heart for children, always has, he's very much a family man... very into the make-up of the family and the strength of the family core unit.
Well unbeknown to the church the Lord had been dealing with him on getting a church van... well we don't have the biggest church around our area and we don't have the richest, lol. As a matter of fact our church is in a store front and we are trusting and believing in God that He will help us to grow and take us to a larger place and take us to greater heights in HIM!!

Pastor came before the congregation and told us we were getting a new SSBuss 'In Jesus name' because we were going to start picking up SS children... We were so excited and could feel our Pastors passion coming from the pulpit. The only question was, where were we going to get the money and where were we going to find the buss??
With our Pastor, there were NO questions, whatever the Lord said the Lord would provide.
AND provide HE did... their was a family in the church that was moved by God very strongly,  just that afternoon to give the church $3000.00 out of pocket. They had been blessed with a surplus of monies and felt to bless the church with whatever was needed... They had NO IDEA what the Pastor was dealing with the week before about buying a buss for our church....When they heard our Pastor announce this they both stared at each other because they had just spoke about this just before the service.
they couldn't get to the Pastor quick enough after the service to tell him what had transpired just that afternoon!! The Pastor and the couple were in awe once again of the power of God and what He was doing in the midst of our church.

When you move upon the Lords bidding. He will move upon His promise!!!
Trust and believe in the voice of the Lord... Be in the work of the Lord and do His will and He will provide for the church and bring in the harvest...
REVIVAL saints!! Is here!! Let's be in REVIVAL!! Do not lose hope but trust in the power of His might!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I read a status or quote from a very inspiring man of God, He said:
"Every believer should be filled with enthusiasm today!
Enthusiasm means you are 'Possessed by God'

Enthusiasm ORIGIN early 17th century (in sense 2) : from French enthusiasm, or via late Latin from Greek enthousiasmos, from enthous ‘possessed by a god, inspired’ (based on theos ‘god’).

This struck me as AMAZING!! I was so moved by these words that it made me reflect on my inner self... my enthusiasm, my conviction, my zeal...
"Do I have exhilaration emotion or fire in my bones or passion in my person????"

Those are all things that derive from God, that come from a spirit that is set in the Word and in prayer... Do I possess such qualities, such attributes,and characters of God or have I been too distracted by my own selfish desires of pride and hurts? 

When I first began this particular blog I was so full of passion for the things of God. We were reaching such amazing revival within my family and just overall fulfillment in Christ that I could feel the strength of an hundred soldiers behind me if not more... The power and anointing of God was AMAZING!! I was stepping out in areas I never had in my entire walk with God... reaching out to souls, proclaiming Christ, not being afraid to share the Gospel, praying for people, and professing a boldness I never had before. Then this year became the year of trials *WOWee* (Our Pastors famous words :)) and boy has it been a trying year with one distraction after another and at first I was staying pretty focused and determined to not let the enemy distract what God was doing in our lives and in our church... but as the year went on and as the trials kept coming *whew* what can I say... I began to spin out of control... I kept falling on my face before my wonderful loving Savior, but as time went on as summer drew near, things I had no control of became more dominant....

I don't think Iv lost my passion and I think I can find this enthusiasm... I think it was just lost somewhere in all the confusion, lol... and yes... I am so tired and weary and it's been stressful and at times I feel alone and that I'm not going to make it another day... but I'm not here to talk about that cause I know God in all His mercy can help ME find my place back where I need to be... I just need to find myself back on my face before His very presence and in the arms of Christ!!

"ENTHUSIASM!! AMAZING but true!! Something I long for down deep in the core of my soul!! For my desire was to do something GREAT in God's kingdom, to help a hurt and lost soul to Christ."